Sunday, November 30, 2003


Redid the website's file system so there's no more annoying /pmachinefree2.2.1/ folder everywhere. Now it looks all nice. I had to edit a lot of files really fast, so if you find any broken links, tell me. Also added a random picture viewer at the bottom of the left section. Not much to see..

Oh, and by the way, Aphelion, my personal webserver is once again online. Not sure what to do with it quite yet, so theres a placeholder index page there until i do.

EDIT: It seems mozilla and company refuses to co-operate, and will still try to go to the pmachinefree folder. No Idea why. Damn open source.

EDIT: I didn't touch anything but it seems to be working for me now. Does it work for everyone?
Posted by eclipse on 11/30 at 12:29 AM




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