Monday, October 20, 2003

Sooo True

This comic is soo true. First off...because my hard drive crashed, I do not have any mp3s at the moment. Itunes has become my main music player just for the fact that it found all the music everyone else and lets me play them. I can't copy them this way, but since I should be able to recover the data eventually, I dont really care about that right now. Itunes is online music done right (even if its not free). My descent into the world of apple continues.

Check it out:

In other words, my powerbook shipped today, so I expect it Wednesday or so. Can't wait. Once the powerbook comes, I have to start recovering the hard drive, which will take a solid day or two to finish (I don't want to be computerless :D)

Ipod should be at apple getting repared (or better, replaced). Hopefully get that back soon as well.
Buy Apple Products!!
End Subliminal Message.
Posted by eclipse on 10/20 at 02:29 PM




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