Thursday, July 19, 2007

Save Runway

The maintenance people at the Ksu airport have taken it upon themselves to decide that the airport cat, Runway, is a “health hazard” and that he should be put to sleep (and of course I mean put to death) or at the very least taken by someone for adoption never to return.  Completely ignoring the fact that Runway has co-existed with humans without being a danger for 10 years, how can they just decide to up and do whatever they want with a cat that belongs to everybody?  I should also mention that these maintenance guys have been here for less than a year.  More like months.  It just pisses me off that they think they can just do whatever they want like this.  I have to make a stand.  I wrote a petition to put on the wall for people to sign to save Runway.  I hope everyone else thinks like I do and that they don’t think I am too much of a loser for doing it.  But in the end I don’t care.  You have to fight for what you believe in, even the little stuff.  And they have to listen to the students, right?  That’s where the money comes from.

Posted by eclipse on 07/19 at 09:49 PM




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