Sunday, December 04, 2005


I am horrible at working on projects before they are due.  I can only focus just before it’s due, like the night before.  Otherwise I just get carried away by hyperlinks.  Especially in wikipedia…that site is the worst when it comes to me staying on topic.  I spent the entire weekend working on my de Havilland Comet 8 page paper and just barely got it finished.  I have to make a powerpoint on my court case for Aviation Law and Safety and research for my CFIT 6 page essay tomorrow, write the essay and do powerpoints on both the Comet and CFIT on tuesday.  Tuesday is my law and safety presentation.  Wednesday is my comet and CFIT presentations.  I can’t wait until finals where my workload will be much less!

Posted by eclipse on 12/04 at 10:43 PM




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