Friday, July 11, 2003

On another note…

I will not be going to Quakecon 2003 this year. I am sorry to all the people I promised I would go. At the beginning of summer, it looked like I had a pretty good chance at being able to go. However, as the time for QC comes nearer, it is more apparent that the middle of August is going to be pretty stressful with work at Six Flags, work at ResNet, entering school again, and trying to get my pilot's license all around that time. There was still a small possibility of me going, but it would be a longshot and very expensive even if i ended up not going, so I have decided to stop planning for it now, so I am not disappointed later.
Once again, sorry.

I would have owned :D
Posted by eclipse on 07/11 at 09:58 PM




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