Friday, June 06, 2003

Oh I’m such a blogsnob

Now I’m not a fan of the X-Box too much, but Dead Or Alive 3:Extreme Beach Volleyball is probably the only reason I would get one.  I went to James’ House Last night (this morning?) with Jo and Anthony because it had been a while since we were all together for an x-box party.  It was a lot of fun, and like all of our parties, it included a trip to Giant Eagle.  Even though there was much obnoxious-ness, it did not result in us getting arrested, so I consider it a success.  Jo actually let James drive his car which really surprised me.  I got in the car thinking we weren’t really going anywhere, but maybe I should know better by now.  We speeded off down 59 and turned around at the airport when we saw a cop.  The rest of the night was spent playing x-box, talking, and yelling (and spitting) at James’ neighbors.  I don’t share the same flair for getting into “trouble” as he does, but whatever.  It was fun.

Posted by eclipse on 06/06 at 11:17 AM




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