Friday, December 30, 2005

LAN January 1st

Normally I post LAN stuff on the DGS site, but I thought it would get more exposure here.  Normally my LANs are plagued by the lack of chairs and tables and space.  Well, I bought the huge table that is in my computer room, and a set of four metal generic chairs.  This should help a little bit.  If there are too many people for the computer room, we can move to the living room and someone can bring a spare table or something.  I want to make an interactive sign-up thing.  Maybe that will be the next website project I will take up.  I only make progress on those when I have some sort of paper due in school.  I’m rambling on now…so in conclusion…LAN Jan 1st - 1pm - got enough chairs now! kthxbye!

Posted by eclipse on 12/30 at 07:02 PM




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