Sunday, December 18, 2005

It’s Time to kick ass and chew bubblegum

and I’m all out of gum

Commercial Checkride tomorrow (Monday).  Passing it means I can be paid to fly, which is indeed my original goal of getting my private license all the way back in Feb of 2004.  The day starts out at 7:30am with a quick flight to finish up my required hours and then the checkride starts at 10:30am.  Probably a good 2-3 hours of oral exam followed by an hour and a half flight.  Long day, but I think I can handle it.  If all goes well, I should be free for the rest of break with nothing to do except a few trips (maybe Ohayocon, going to DC somewhere in there) but the rest is free for LAN parties and stuff.  Will update after the ride tomorrow!


I did the oral exam today and got a 93%.  Even though that’s an A, I still feel like I didn’t know that much.  I hate sitting there looking stupid becuase I don’t know anything.  He asked me a lot of little things that I wasn’t prepared for.  Anyways, we didn’t fly because the clouds were too low for some of the manuevers that I have to do, so the flight has been rescheduled to Wednesday at 10:30am.  I like splitting it up anyways.  Will post more upon completion.

Update 2:

I’ve spent the last few days sitting around the airport trying to get good enough weather to fly, but it never came.  The airport is closed for christmas right now, but I will get another chance on Dec. 30th.

Update 3:

December 30th was a very cloudy day and not good for flying.  My next chance is Jan. 3rd in the morning.  By this time I’ll be so out of practice that I’m sure to fail.

Posted by eclipse on 12/18 at 05:50 PM
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LAN party!!!

Posted on Monday, December 19, 2005  at  10:17 PM
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Posted on Monday, December 19, 2005  at  10:40 PM




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