Thursday, September 15, 2005


I turned in my application for Spring 06 Graduation in may. With any luck, I can finish everything by then and get accepted for the continental express internship during the summer. From there I need to get hired as a flight instructor in august/fall 06 and build my time until I get hired by Continental Express. It's scary that I'm coming to the end of this and will have to actually make money with this flying stuff. I've been wanting to take a digital camera up with me sometime to take pictures, but I'm far to lazy and have soo much work to do in the air that I really wouldn't get time to get good pictures anyway.

The National Intercollegate Flying Association Regional Tournament is coming up soon, during the week of October 10th, so I will not be around. I made the landings team so I am le happy. We meet every night until 10:30 and it's really wearing me out. If we do well enough, we'll go to the national competition and this schedule will never get better.
Posted by eclipse on 09/15 at 09:53 AM
Just Visiting



whats scary is i’ve flown continental express a few times.  or whatever operated by jet expreess or something. 

little tiny jets.  3 seats wide and i forget what they are.  i could check they tell you when you check flights.

Posted on Monday, September 19, 2005  at  05:24 PM
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The actual company is called “Expressjet”, which works under the name of Continental Express to attract customers.  They fly Embraer 135 and 145 Regional jets, which hold about 50 people.  Best yet they operate out of Cleveland, which would mean I’d still be around, a little bit.

Posted on Monday, September 19, 2005  at  06:20 PM
Just Visiting



yeah expressjet.  50min flights from CLE to BDL. 

think if you work there you could fly me for free?  smile  you know you want to smile

Posted on Monday, September 19, 2005  at  07:51 PM
Just Visiting



So what does this mean for the whole housing thing? Since wherever we move to will probably be a 12 month lease.

Posted on Monday, September 19, 2005  at  08:34 PM
{screen_name}'s avatar



No big deal, will still be living here.

Posted on Tuesday, September 20, 2005  at  11:07 AM




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