Thursday, August 07, 2003

Do I need a title?

Tim, my brother got his drivers license yesterday, so we celebrated it with a game of car tag.  He had gone to pick up schultz and Yash and I had to hunt him down and catch him before he got back home.  This wasn’t so hard for me, as I am a car ninja (see panel 1 of this mac hall comic).  After picking up bob as well, we came back to my place and tested out some processor for schultz with an intensive match between Bob and Yash, with a victory by bob using pretty good technique.  OMG! Bob not noob!  Then out to dinner again, I think that was my third dinner that day, and also the second one at taco bell.  I also got some work done on but its still not ready yet.  Oh, jo was planning on a minilan at his place on friday.  Haven’t had a minilan there in a long time, so i hope he’s still up to it.  I’ll leave you with one peice of advice: Healthy Choice Ice Cream sandwiches are nasty as fuck.

Posted by eclipse on 08/07 at 08:49 AM
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My motivation was just to show Schultz that he suxorz.  Q3dm1 with just Doom should not be 22 to 5 after 10 minutes.  Yash just needs to jump more.  I want a rematch.  I think Leathal & der Akaxmann vs. Merkur might be a good match- might is key.
  Yeah the healthy choice menu sucks majorly.  So does Lean Cusine… Mom.
Is Taco Hell considered a healthy Choice?
  I like to think I’m a car Jedi…  In fact i was almost hit by a go-kart at full speed, but i jumped over it just in time to not get plowed over.  I then proceeded to give the driver the finger and kick him off the track.  That’ll teach the bastard.

CarJedi Master Akax out like a fat chick in dodge ball

Posted on Thursday, August 07, 2003  at  11:00 PM
Just Visiting

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We stand no chance against Mike

Posted on Monday, August 11, 2003  at  10:25 PM




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