Friday, November 12, 2004

DDR Downgrade in Eastway.

When I’m not in class getting the finest of educations, or taking in the extensive fine literature written in the windows of the dormitories here at KSU, I can usually be found in the Eastway game room where, as long as there aren’t any furries around, I participate in the Revolution of the Two Dances.  I went in as usual, played Heavy Janejana(B), then Standard Speed over Beethoven(A) and then I looked at the screen and it said final song.  This angered me.  Only 3 songs at Eastway now?  I used to get 4 songs for my dollar.  If I can’t get 8 songs for less than a gallon of gas, I get angry.  Oh, and for your info, I failed my last song -  A on heavy mode.  I guess I called myself 7 foot heavy too early.

Posted by eclipse on 11/12 at 12:14 PM
Just Visiting



NO! say it aint so! damnit :(

Posted on Saturday, November 13, 2004  at  04:04 PM




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