Sunday, April 09, 2006

CoEx Interview and run-on sentences

April 7th was a very busy day.  Got up at 6am.  Plan was to leave the house at 7, get to Hopkins Airport at 8 and the plane left at 9.  Well it took a little longer to get ready than we thought and Alison’s puppy decided to take a giant dump in the car, so we got leaving around 7:25.  So we’re hauling it up 77 and I-80 during rush hour hoping I don’t smell like it for the rest of the day and make it to CLE around 8:10.  No big deal, right? 50 min right? 

Well the airport is busier than I’ve ever seen it so I go to the self-checkin and it says my boarding time is 8:25am! Shiot!  Run to security which of course has a long line.  God bless the TSA.  So I’m running to the gate with my shoelaces still untied and I notice my ticket is gone!  Totally dropped it in the hallway!  Go running back the other way without tied shoes.  Luckilly I found my ticket (no one was kind enough to pick it up and take it to some random food place, thinking they were helpful) and got to the gate right as they started boarding.  Two other KSU students, Eric and Mark, were on the same flight.  We said hellos and boarded the 737 to Houston.

We got there around 10:30am local time, with the interview starting at 2:00.  We talked about interview stuff untill 2, managing to find our way to the Expressjet Simulator Building.  This was different than the American interviews, they had everyone come into the same room were they answered some questions and talked about the different kinds of internships.  They wanted to talk to the KSU students first, so they called us up one by one.

I was third and once again had a whopping 10-15min interview.  I thought it was way too short!  I didn’t get to sell myself completely.  Everyone else agreed too.  There was nothing more to do at Expressjet so we went back to the airport (IAH).  Got some food and talked about how short it was.  Our plane left at 7:00pm local so we were there for like 3.5 hours.  Plane got in CLE around 10:35pm our time.  The approach was kinda cool.  CLE weather was 2.5mi visibilty and clouds overcast at 600 feet.  Broke out of the clouds right at the airport.  The stuff pilots live for.  All in all an exhausting day and I hope to hear good things from Expressjet in the next week or so.

Posted by eclipse on 04/09 at 01:02 PM
Just Visiting

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Hope you hear something soon!

Posted on Sunday, April 09, 2006  at  04:43 PM




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