Monday, October 31, 2005

Burke Lakefront Flight

When my mom was in high school, her family had a foreign exchange student live with them.  Her name is Sinni and she is from Finland.  Well, she has been here in the States since the beginning of the semester.  Yesterday was her and her daughter’s last day here, so we went for a quick plane ride.  We left at 5:00pm and got up to Cleveland right at sunset.  It was my first time to Burke Lakefront airport.  I’ve gone there in flight sim, but it’s not quite the same.  The buildings are so much closer to the airport than flight sim shows.  Even crappy old Cleveland looks sweet at sunset at 500 feet.  I thought they were going to get some pictures, but they apparently forgot.  Oh well.  I love flights like this because it reminds me why I’m putting so much time and effort into this profession.  There’s nothing else in the world like it.

Posted by eclipse on 10/31 at 08:27 AM
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