Saturday, December 27, 2003

Boooring Day

Yeah, so today was boring as hell.  Got another 1.3 hours of flying done, which makes 2.7/3.0 hours needed to take the practical test.  Been studying for my written and oral tests, but you can see deviantart for more on that.  Yeah, I actually submitted something to deviantart.  I can’t draw, but I think its funny enough.  Yeah, so got an oil change today, and went to kohl’s for crying out loud.  Didn’t even talk to anyone on AIM for more than 2 lines.  But I talked to Bob twice.  He’s just as bored as I am but he;s in PA again.  I dont know why he goes there so often.  Flying with teh new instructor is intimidating.  Flying with the examiner is going to be even more so.  I can’t wait for next week to be over and for me to do well.  Feels like I never left school.  I guess a boring day makes for a boring post.

Posted by eclipse on 12/27 at 10:31 PM




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