Tuesday, March 21, 2006

All coming together

Earlier in the month, I applied for internship positions at three airlines: Continental Express, American Airlines, and Mesaba Airlines.  American Airlines has already called me back and scheduled an interview with me on Tuesday, March 28th.  They are going to fly me down to Dallas and hopefully the interview will go great.  I’m so looking forward to this!

Express is revamping their internship process, so I hope to hear from them soon.  Mesaba was kinda my backup choice, and that airline is going through financial problems (they are hooked together with Northwest who just filed for bankruptcy).  So for summer I can hope to be interning with a great airline!  It’s so exciting that everything is coming together.  I know I’ve been working really hard these past few semesters and haven’t gotten to hang out as much as I wanted to, but in the end this is really really good for me.

Posted by eclipse on 03/21 at 09:36 AM
Just Visiting

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good luck!

Posted on Wednesday, March 22, 2006  at  10:06 AM




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