Saturday, June 07, 2003

200 miles of disappointment

Had to start the day off with Six Flags training.  I’m trying to get a job as a ride operator there.  I couldn’t go to sleep the night before so I was really tired.  So the only thing that got me through that was knowing I was going to go to the Whempys LAN in Columbus afterwards.  Well, we all drove down in Tim’s car and after the hour long trip there were like 30 people there.  We didn’t want to pay $15 for a 30 person LAN for only 8 hours or so.  We went to Wendys to decide to go or stay.  We left, so the trip consisted basically of driving 200 miles to go to Wendys.  It was some damn good Wendys though.

Posted by eclipse on 06/07 at 07:53 PM
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This is probably the most well known of all my posts for some reason.

Posted on Wednesday, October 15, 2003  at  03:07 PM




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