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Sunday, December 28, 2003
FAA Written Test
May god have mercy on my soul..
Update 11am: Passed with a 95%!!!1one
Now my oral test will be very short and If I can fly well I can be a pilot by the end of the week.
Then I can drop things on your houses.
(Note to FAA:Just kidding!)
All my hours are done now and I'm scheduled to take the practical test at 9am on Friday. If I pass, I'll be lannin' it up at codex's house on the second and with steve lange(?) on the third. If I fail, well I will be hanging about 2 feet of the ground :(
Practical Test rescheduled to Wed. Jan 7th at 9am due to bad weather.
Posted by
eclipse on 12/28 at 11:40 PM
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Monday, January 05, 2004
HEh <- Funnay
Posted by
eclipse on 01/05 at 01:58 PM
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Tuesday, January 06, 2004
FAA Practical Test
So the weather looks decent enough to fly tomorrow morning. Means I actually have to go through with this. I hate tests. I hate oral tests. I hate tests that demand absolute precision and an almost zero tolerance policy. Good thing thats not what I'm doing. Oh wait, yeah, actually that's exactly what I'm doing. It's like a driver's test if the examiner raped you in the ass with questions for 3 hours and then made you fly for 2 hours at a perfect 104 knots while at the same time quizzing you on what to do when you enter class B airspace while your engine is on fire and your radio is dead and you are helping some strange lady give birth and the baby is hitting you and trying to jump put the window and your eyes just fell out and your anus is bleeding and a wing fell off and one magneto switch is working, but the other is inoperative and you are exactly 135 degrees magnetic and 14 miles FROM a VORTAC station (not TO the station) and Mr. Hydes broke down again and you have to pick up bread on the way home and you have only $1.05 and bread costs $1.19, and if you fail all your future employers will see it and not give you the job because you are a total and complete failure in life.
Posted by
eclipse on 01/06 at 10:30 PM
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Wednesday, January 07, 2004
FAA Practical Test
cant go, snow storms in youngstown / new castle after 9am. visibilty too low. Icing conditions. God damn, I’m screwed.
Posted by
eclipse on 01/07 at 05:26 AM
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Wednesday, January 14, 2004
General College Physics 2 (5 credit hours) - Dr. Visintainer
9:55-10:45am MWF - 10-12pm T - 12:15-1:05 R
- Second Edition of the evil, horrible physics class I had last year. This time it seems to have less of the "fuck-you-in-the-ass" qualities, such as a normal amount of homework and classwork. Haven't taken any labs yet so those could be horrible and I wouldn't know. So far I am ok with it and trying harder this semester because my GPA is shit. From the butt? yeah, you got it, let's move on.
History of the US - Modern Period (3 credit hours) - Dr. Selby
11:00am - 11:50am MWF
- Normally I hate history, but my teacher is pretty interesting. I'm taking a lot of notes so I can do well on the essay tests. God I hate essay tests. Hopefully I can pull off an A here. As long as I'm not suffering while I'm in a class I can do pretty well. I'm definately not suffering like I thought I would.
Music as a World Phenominon (3 credit hours) - Dr.(?) Mukana
3:15-4:30pm TR
- Ugh. Damn you Liberal Arts college! It was either taking this class or something like a dance class. So guess what I picked. My teacher was 15 minutes late for class, he walked in as we were filling out an attendance sheet and about to leave. From there he talked about how Africa was not a city in South America and patronizing us for being ignorant about geography. He was yelling at us "You think the world begins and ends in Kent, that's why we have this class" Oh god. Maybe his country got bombed or something. Yeah, so major suffering in this class, but the work looks so easy that even suffering should get me at least a B, if not an A.
Air Transportation Systems ( 3 credit hours) - S. Davis
1:15-3:45pm F
- Haven't actually been to this class yet because its only on Friday from 1:15 to 3:00 or something. I don't even know what the class is about. I'm assuming something about air transportation.
Commercial Flight (2 credit hours) - Dont know flight instructor yet
Dont know times.
- I'm not actually enrolled in this yet because I don't have my private pilot license. Once I get it (hopefully this weekend) I can get in this class which will actually include me flying! OMGBBQ!
So yeah, my obligation to you all is fulfilled. Later
Posted by
eclipse on 01/14 at 02:36 PM
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Friday, January 16, 2004
Judgement Day
My practical test is tomorrow, if it doesn't get cancelled due to weather.
I flew at night tonight for the first time in about a year. I totally forgot just how awesome the night is from the air. I don't know exactly why I love flying at night, I just always have. I love the blue taxiway lights and seeing the runway lit up right in front of me. Sure, flying at night is a lot harder, but it worth it. One thing I have to do while training is have the instructor take the controls as you close your eyes, and he will roll the plane around to an unusual attitude. Then of course, you have to open your eyes and see how quickly you can react. Well we did it tonight and when I opened my eyes we were about 1000 feet above KSU pointed down directly at it. It was awesome! There are so many lights around that school, and I could see everything moving all at once. It was the kind of sight that reminds me why I am working so hard to do exactly what I want to do with my life. For the last year or so, flying has seemed like a chore. Something I knew I had to do to move forward, but I just didn't feel into it like I used to. I even let some doubts into my mind. Tonight, I felt like I belong in the air again. I think I finally got it again. I think I am finally ready.
Posted by
eclipse on 01/16 at 10:34 PM
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Sunday, January 25, 2004
Ohayocon Report
Ohayocon 4:
Hyatt Hotel - Columbus Ohio
January 23-25
Friday, January 23-
Planned Departure: 4:30 Actual Departure: 5:15
Passengers: Mike, Yash, Emily
Friday started off slow, as we began our trip to Yash's and my first anime convention. We had prepaid like 2 months before, so there was no freaking way we were going to miss it. We left a little late 'cause we didn't have our stuff together when the time came, Yash was a little late and I had to go to the bank, and...other stuff..heh. The only person ready was Emily. Boy did we let her down. But it was all good. We did have three whole days at this convention, after all. Friday night was basically just a huge blizzard, so we had to drive really slow down I-71, and it ended up taking like 4.5 hours to get there instead of the normal 2.5. Saw some SUV slip on the road and do almost a full 360 before smacking into the road side barrier. It was reeeally slippery. We did the normal "Get lost in Columbus in the middle of a damn snowstorm and almost get stuck" too. But somehow we managed to find the hotel and a parking space and get inside. Showing up at 10pm the first night at a convention doesn't leave much to do. The dealer's room was already closed and it was too late for panels, so we just kinda walked around trying to find people we know. We saw James (former prez., and founder of KSU anime club), Samantha (current prez), and Codex, Trewr, and Julie. Julie was cosplaying as Kei from Dirty Pair Flash or something. Yash was thinking about going home early, so I asked Codex for a ride home and he wanted to charge me $5 for gas. Whatever, it's not like I'm so far out of the way... We checked out the game room and the DDR Craziness! Insane! Well, there was some fun karaoke, but most of it was the suck. At this point, Kyle (from anime club, not kyle pugh) was walking around with us, and we were about ready to leave. We were trying to find our friend Eric, who was in the Hentai Panel (18+ only! We got carded as we entered).. we go in to find him and I see the trewr-codex-julie group and joined them. There was some sick crap they had in there! Like women getting ripped apart, smashed with sledgehammers, etc...and hmm what else. Oh yeah! lots of chicks-with-dicks and poop, i guess. It was so god damn nasty, who draws this crap? who buys this stuff? what would you say as you but it? You read it for the articles? What a way to begin the convention.... Everyone was laughing at it, I don't think anyone actually found it likeable, although Trewr was enjoying it. :D It WAS kinda funny to see how low people could go (its pretty damn low) Yeah, so thank god that ended and we went to Kyle's house to sleep for the night.
Saturday, January 24-
Arrive at Con around 10am-
Well today was the first full day we could spend at Ohayocon (Good Morning Con!). First things first - we entered the dealer's room. It wasn't as big as I thought it would be. That was my first impression. Next, the prices seemed damn high. Like, there wasn't any discounts for coming. Like I paid $35 to go and pay Best Buy prices. I could order online cheaper! Oh well..they had some cool stuff, I will post everything I bought at the bottom. Hmm...Then we watched some anime I think. There were a LOT of people cosplaying, so I decided I wanted an easy costume, so when Yash and I got bored we went off to Target and I bought some cheap clothes to look like Kyou from Fruits Basket. Also bought a cheap beaded bracelet and some Sharpies to make Kyou's gotta watch the series to see why we wears it. Some people recognized who I was cosplaying as, so it made me happy. Saw Dennis Gregory there, some other people. Then I got a call from Rick saying I had to call home Immediately, there might be an emergency. Well, I thought my mom was just going to yell at me for going to Columbus, but actually when I called home my mom was crying because my uncle dave (her brother) had just died in a dirtbike accident.... Uncle Dave was my favorite uncle, one of few members of my family that I actually liked... He raced his dirtbike almost every weekend, with a passion similar to the one I share for flying... I wish I could have shown him my skills, I never got to.. He was always the one to "babysit" us when we were in CA, and I always had a lot of fun with him, even when we went to such crappy places like Disney's California Adventure! ....................... The world truely isn't fair when such evil can exist and my uncle Dave does not.. At least they say it was rather instant and he didn't suffer... Anyways, I just felt really really sick and hid in the back of one of the anime showing rooms in the dark until yash took me to Kyle's house. I guess he could see the pain I was in. It's always good to have someone you can count on. I have to say it... Life is too short, apparently. I'm glad he didn't leave early. Went to bed early, after watching some Naruto with yash and Kyle's little bro.
Sunday, January 25-
Arrive at Convention around 11am
Just came back to the con to go to the Dealer's Room one more time. I spent all the rest of my money today, cause sometime's it's good to just let go and spend some moeny. I was dressed in my Kyou costume again and a guy from Funimation took my picture for which will be up in about 2 weeks.. Just me and Yash driving home.. We left the con pretty much right after, so I could try to get home before my mom left for California, but it was futile, she left before I got there. I just wasn't feeling up to another day at the Con because I wouldn't be able to enjoy it anyways...
So if I seem gloomy lately, this is why.
Stuffs I got:
Gunsmith Cats OVAs (1 DVD)
Oh! My Goddess! OVAs (2 DVDs)
Fruits Basket 1-12 (2 DVDs)
Sailor Moon Volume 2 Manga
Sohma Kyou Pin
Ah! My Goddess Belldandy Poster
Sailor Mercury 5" palstic figure
Sailor Mercury 1" Magnet (already lost)
Uchiha Sasuke 3" Figure
Ayane (from DOA3) 4" Figure
I think that's it...
I can't believe how good the Sailor Moon manga is! God I'm a loser... :D
Posted by
eclipse on 01/25 at 10:48 PM
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Friday, February 06, 2004
Look what I found….
“BobOmega sucks”
BobCortex (11:22:51 PM): BobCortex (11:24:59 PM): i put some paint down on my case
Auto response from Eclipse278 (11:24:59 PM): switching computers...
away messages are funBobCortex (11:22:57 PM): asshatEclipse278 (11:23:00 PM): wootBobCortex (11:25:58 PM): bored and dont want to add any more bad paint to my caseEclipse278 (11:26:08 PM): big blue?BobCortex (11:26:12 PM): yeahBobCortex (11:26:16 PM): i put some paint on itBobCortex (11:26:22 PM): while i was sitting doing nothingBobCortex (11:26:36 PM): i intend on stripping it down and repainting over the summerEclipse278 (11:26:37 PM): blue paint?BobCortex (11:26:41 PM): nopeBobCortex (11:26:48 PM): it has blotches of other paintEclipse278 (11:26:50 PM): pink?BobCortex (11:26:52 PM): noEclipse278 (11:27:02 PM): super pink?BobCortex (11:27:06 PM): noEclipse278 (11:27:11 PM): bright pink?BobCortex (11:27:14 PM): noEclipse278 (11:27:18 PM): dark pink?BobCortex (11:27:20 PM): noEclipse278 (11:27:30 PM): purple pink?BobCortex (11:27:31 PM): noEclipse278 (11:27:51 PM): green pink?BobCortex (11:28:02 PM): noEclipse278 (11:28:05 PM): pure pink?BobCortex (11:28:08 PM): noEclipse278 (11:28:13 PM): static pink?BobCortex (11:28:13 PM): noEclipse278 (11:28:20 PM): blotchy pink?BobCortex (11:28:23 PM): noEclipse278 (11:28:34 PM): mighty pink?BobCortex (11:28:37 PM): noEclipse278 (11:28:50 PM): neon pink?BobCortex (11:28:54 PM): noBobCortex (11:29:03 PM): noEclipse278 (11:29:05 PM): scratchy pink?BobCortex (11:29:06 PM): nopeBobCortex (11:29:10 PM): noBobCortex (11:29:26 PM): noBobCortex (11:29:31 PM): ...noEclipse278 (11:29:31 PM): belldandy pink?BobCortex (11:30:15 PM): see above^BobCortex (11:30:57 PM): would you feel better if i said i glued hentai belldandy up on that? i didn't but i want you to stop saying pinkEclipse278 (11:31:00 PM): 255,0,255?BobCortex (11:31:11 PM): oh damnitEclipse278 (11:31:28 PM): 254,0,255?BobCortex (11:32:27 PM): <ignoring>BobCortex (11:40:25 PM): done yet?Eclipse278 (11:40:36 PM): i found something else to doBobCortex (11:40:40 PM): good
Posted by
eclipse on 02/06 at 10:28 PM
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Friday, February 06, 2004
Probably not, but my flight test
is scheduled tomorrow...
I'ma gettin tired of this...
Too, too much.
Posted by
eclipse on 02/06 at 10:31 PM
Flying •
Comments •
Tuesday, February 10, 2004
A proposition
“Because Change is good”
Okay, so now is the time to start thinking about our summer schedules. Last summer was annoying once everyone except Jo had a job, because there were random LANs and other stuff that a lot of people couldn’t come to because of work. So…I propose that we all turn in a summer schedule with about 36 hours off in a row once a week. Then, every week we have like, an informal hanging-out / LAN time to do whatever. You wouldn’t have to come every week, of course, but it would be nice to have it available all the time. I was thinking about taking Friday night and Saturday off, as an example. I might need that time for flying, anyways. Anyways, tell me when you would want time off, and we can all try to match our schedules for the summer.
Posted by
eclipse on 02/10 at 11:32 AM
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LAN Party •
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Saturday, February 14, 2004
Today’s the Day
FAA Practical Test
Yes, today I am going to PA to take my test. I should be back around 4pm to LAN it up with everyone at Jo's house. Dear god let me pass...
Passed....I be a private pilot
Posted by
eclipse on 02/14 at 09:36 AM
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Tuesday, February 17, 2004
It happens
Heh, just got done playing UT2004 demo with a bunch of people from the dorm, and Will even played for two rounds, unlike that lazy Jo who's only commented on this site once. It is a really fun game in onslaught mode. It basically puts Halo vehicles in Unreal Tourney 2003.
I started using FireFox. Dumb name, but works better than IE.
For all those who have trouble reading my cryptic updates, I did take my Private Pilot Practical Test on Saturday, and yes, I passed. Didn't do as well as I wanted, but I still made it. Now I gotta get into the Commercial Flight class at KSU.
After taking the test for 6.5 hours, we were going to have a LAN or something at Jo's. Oh well, I was tired anyways. Sunday we went to a useless computer show. Me and Rick decided Peter Trapp is worthless now. From now on we're only going if we know we are going to buy something. Then went to CompUSA with Tim and Dan. Then went to the Animation show, only getting lost 2.5 times. It was the same as last time, oh well, still fun.
Feb 15 was yash's birthday, i redid .
New Castle Airport, where I took my test:
Me back at KSU Airport after the test:
yay for randomness.
Posted by
eclipse on 02/17 at 12:03 AM
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Friday, February 20, 2004
Quote of the day
loghate BobOmega =
Posted by
eclipse on 02/20 at 09:24 AM
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Sunday, February 29, 2004
Leap Day?
So my desktop computer died on Wednesday or something. It's making some weird clicking noise. I have yet to figure out whats going on. I would look at it, but I am too damn lazy. Been doing everything through the powerbook lately. Sometimes I forget just how much I have to rely on the PC, if for nothing else, the sheer amount of data I can store on it. This isn't good. I keep getting more and more stuff to save, and I have to find a backup place because I need to test its second partition to see if it will fuck everything up again. Stupid PC. Curse the maker. So today is a fucking awesome day, weather-wise. Too bad I get to spend it in the library learning physics because I have a test tomorrow. It would be much easier if I could learn this stuff in class. That just doesnt happen though. It's way too early for me to be doing physics at 9:55am. History is interesting in class, but I can't do essay exams, so I am not doing well in that class. My music teacher decided our class wasn't about music, but instead it's about slavery. When we complain, he tells us "tough shit, you aren't listening. I'm one bad motherfucker" No joke. And my flight class meets once a week for 3.5 hours. I can't deal with a class that long. Flight classes always get the worst schedules. Always at night or 643 hours long. Then I don't know if I'll be able to fly this semester. Even if I do, I still hardly have any time in the day. At least I'm not working with any groups. That always brings my grade in any class down at least one letter grade. Last semester proved that.
Went to go see the Stow High school junior class play yesterday. It was actually really good. It was about this lady who was trying to teach Helen Keller and stuff. Yeah.... Playin a new game called Stepmania which is just a PC (and mac!) version of DDR. Its fun. Got 780mb of anime songs for it, dear god. Hmm what else...Got rehired at Six Flags. So did my lil brother and some of his friends.
If anyone knows where i can get 512mb of laptop ddr ram or 512~1gb of pc3200 for cheap (and not online), let me know...
Maybe I'll write more when I get bored
Posted by
eclipse on 02/29 at 01:00 PM
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PC •
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Saturday, March 06, 2004
Ever have that feeling
that its all for nothing?
Yeah, but everyone has, so get over it. Stop being so damn stubborn.
It's like 3 fucking am and I dont want to sleep. I don't like to sleep, but since I'm trying to lower the amount of random caffiene I drink (it IS a drug after all :D ) I seem to be doing it more. Yash is being his same stubborn self again and again.
4-21-03. As much fun as it is watching my friends rip each other to shreads... *cough* bob *cough* yash *cough* jo *cough* codex *cough* jo *cough* yash.
bought 512mb of DDR 400 RAM for my computer. It runs fast again! Still got my good old Athlon 2000+ Of course, processor speed almost doesnt matter anymore. My RAM and ATI 9700 pro make UT2k4 look gooood. :D Now to order some laptop ram from phil at pak computers fo cheap...
Went to Swenson's for dinner with Rick and Zola and then played some DDR on standard mode. I skipped out on the second half of the anime club for it. It's not that I dislike the anime they are watching, its that I just dislike the club in general now. Last year was so much better. I'd run for president and change things next year, but I'm going to be far too busy flying.
Having trouble organizing my thoughts here. Dont know if i am having breakfast or dinner or anything with the dad tomorrow. Hope not, cause i completely forgot if I am.
Hmm...I like the Fruits Basket DVDs a lot. Yash let me borrow the manga. It was okay. Nothing too good. Not like the Sailor Moon manga which was a total surprise. Waaay different than what everyone thinks of SM. I'll probably get the FB manga when it explores what happens after the anime. But I still like the anime way better.
Six Flags training on the 13th. Hmmm....I dont know if I have what it takes for management. Mike (boss man) told me to "prove myself". Yeah, I agree. I need to prove to myself that I can do it as well. I am way too afraid of failure. Greatest fear = being useless, I guess. Doesn't help that I am a perfectionist (when I am motivated). Everyone gave me so much praise for getting my pilots license. Still didnt feel right though. Very grateful to them, but I don't feel right. Doesn't really make me feel like I am closer to anything, it feels empty. Dont want to work at 6 flags my whole life.
Dan wants to take Kendo lessons on Monday nights. I want to also, but its like 80 bucks a month. I could get a damn good cell phone with that. But no one ever calls me. And I could just beat people up and steal their phones. Gonna sit in on a free lesson next monday. Woot.
I think thats all I got. The archives feature of the site isnt working for some reason, so I want to fix that and maybe add some stuff to this already saturated home page. Don't forget to pick a day we all take off over the summer. I'm thinking monday nights until tuesday afternoon. dying...
Posted by
eclipse on 03/06 at 02:13 AM
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Saturday, March 06, 2004
The winds yesterday tore one of our dorm windows off its hinge and smashed it against the wall at 7am. Holy shit did that scare the crap out of us. Sleeping sleeping sleeping…
Thought it was my lava lamp or something…
Couldn’t stop laughing afterwards, was so freaked out.
Stupid wind. I’ll take a picture or something, but I dont have a camera anymore. I’ll buy another one when i start working at teh flags again..
Click MORE for Pics!
Read Full Entry
Posted by
eclipse on 03/06 at 12:23 PM
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Tuesday, March 16, 2004
MESQUITE, Texas - March 15, 2004
Pack the car, buy the airline ticket, or get a new pair of walking shoes & just do whatever it takes to be at QuakeCon 2004. The 9th annual QuakeCon video game festival and tournament storms into town August 12-15 at the Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center in Grapevine, Texas. This annual fan pilgrimage to the largest, most awe-inspiring North American LAN event will be a four day adrenaline-pumping party with 5,000 of your closest friends. With 24 hour-a-day entertainment, action, and activities QuakeCon is open to video game fans worldwide completely free of charge. First-come, first-serve online registration for QuakeCon 2004 will begin at 9:00 PM EST on Wednesday, April 14 at]
Read Full Entry
Posted by
eclipse on 03/16 at 10:59 AM
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Sunday, March 21, 2004
I don’t like picking titles
Like, I am soo tired right now. I should sleep. But i never do what's good for me. Hokay, so Monday I was going to skip physics but i decided to go, and I walk in and OMG! We're having a test! Usually we go like 6 weeks between tests. It had only been two. Since I can't learm anything in class, I usually cram the day before the test. The strategy has worked well - getting high B's usually. But now I'm looking at this test and I can't answer a single question. Not ONE. know how that feels? I do know. I couldn't answer one question for sure. So I guessed. Yep, 40% was long answer, 50% multiple choice, and 10% true/false made up the test. Got it back Friday - I got a 56% - with the curve it turned into a high D. Whoa. God I hate physics. I hate all my classes. I dont know why i keep trying anymore. It isnt helping.
Had a "Music as a world phenominon" midterm the other day. Got a 76%, one of the highest grades in the class. Highest was 84% average was 51% 51% You know its not the students fault when the average is that low. Why do I always get these classes? Everyone else in the damn university can get drunk every fucking night and still have a GPA over 3.0. A friend John down the hall in Allyn got robbed over the weekend. Took his computer, some other expensive things...People suck.
So now its spring break. Dan and Tim and Brian came over Friday night and Saturday to play UT2K4 and develop a strategy to use for Jeloh. Got lots of free pizza from Quinn - you rule dude, thanks! UT2k4 is pretty sweet. I need to sit down and actually play some of the new modes of play. Need to practice and get real good for the tourney so i am unstoppable. Our team will be invincible. Just upgraded the powerbook to OS X 10.3.3 - yay nothing new...lame
I'll be gone to California Tuesday through sunday. I will try to get online by warwalking late at night, dont know how successful i will be. I have a lot of crap to read this break, I'm going to do that there. And my ipod/laptop combo will be my best friend while i am there. I really don't want to go, but i feel i have to.
maybe i will sleep now
Posted by
eclipse on 03/21 at 01:30 AM
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Tuesday, March 23, 2004
Hi-Ho Hi-ho
It’s off to CA I go
I’ll try to keep my murderous rage to myself. At least I get to fly. They’ll probably disassemble my powerbook at the security booth to make sure its not a bomb. :( Back middle of day Sunday, but by then I’ll just have to pack and move into the dorm. I need more sleep..
Posted by
eclipse on 03/23 at 08:51 AM
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Thursday, March 25, 2004
its nice
So it's 9:37pm here in Arcadia which means it's 12:37am Eastern Time. I expected my Grandma to give me the guest room to
myself. If they had, I could use the computer a lot more. My Grandma doesn't like computers too much and therefore it would be
rude of me to be on mine all the time. I expect to do a quick warwalk around the "old-folks" community here. I dont know what
to expect. There could be nothing if everyone feels the same about technology as my grandma, or maybe there is someone who
loves to buy technology such as wireless and doesnt know how to set it up. Arcadia is a beautiful city. For some reason, I
think the palm trees here are the coolest things ever. From the palm trees right in front of me to the mountains in the
background, I swear this is one of the best cities in America. Even the state has a cool name: California. Anyways, I honestly
love it way more than Ohio. It doesn't really get that cold. This is where my mom's family grew up. Maybe I feel this is
where I belong. I don't know if that's why I feel good when I'm here, or if I just feel better when I am far away from Ohio.
Yet, after the untimely death of my uncle, everything here has a somber attitude surrouning it. It makes it pretty hard on
everyone. It's amazing to see the amount of cards and support my grandma has recieved for him. She's had a harder time because
he lived close and always visited/took care of her. Well, we went to the Santa Anita horse races today (Wednesday), where my mom
gave me and tim $20 for the day to bet on horses. Right away, I said "I should just keep this $20, because I'm obviously not going to win." Oh how right I am. I kept
making bets because I didn't want my mom or grandma to feel bad. The horse races were cool and everything, I just don't enjoy
gambling. Now I have $7. bah. Oh well, they are happy and that's why I am here. I hope the fog lifts tomorrow and we can see
the mountains better. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do tomorrow with teh family. I think it's just taking grandma to the
movies. That's all good. Even if there aren't any movies I want to see, it will make her happy. I'm getting some schoolwork
done that I probably wouldn't have finshed anyways, so it works out. I wish there was just some random wireless signal here,
because there really isn't anywhere to sit down around here and use someone's wifi. There was a place in the Denver airport
that advertised wireless using centrino(c)(tm)(omgiloveIntel). I tried to get on it, but couldn't. I was pissed. The mac
obviously detected the wireless signal, but couldn't get on. I think they're using some sort of mac address binding, like only
centrino(c)(tm)(omgilI) NICs are worthy. God bless capitalism.
Posted by
eclipse on 03/25 at 01:27 AM
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