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Monday, October 20, 2003

Sooo True

This comic is soo true. First off...because my hard drive crashed, I do not have any mp3s at the moment. Itunes has become my main music player just for the fact that it found all the music everyone else and lets me play them. I can't copy them this way, but since I should be able to recover the data eventually, I dont really care about that right now. Itunes is online music done right (even if its not free). My descent into the world of apple continues.

Check it out:

In other words, my powerbook shipped today, so I expect it Wednesday or so. Can't wait. Once the powerbook comes, I have to start recovering the hard drive, which will take a solid day or two to finish (I don't want to be computerless :D)

Ipod should be at apple getting repared (or better, replaced). Hopefully get that back soon as well.
Buy Apple Products!!
End Subliminal Message.
Posted by eclipse on 10/20 at 02:29 PM
In LifeFunnyTechApple • (0) CommentsPermalink

Wednesday, October 22, 2003


Typing from the powerbook
It's hella tight.
I figured out networking, and xvid, among other things.

dont like the ichat very much though
Posted by eclipse on 10/22 at 04:48 PM
In TechApple • (2) CommentsPermalink

Sunday, October 26, 2003

Life without Panther, how can I go on?

Yeah, so school sucks...and then comes Friday! My weeks are always long and hard and boring, but Fridays are just awesome. Usually I spend Fridays at the anime club, but last Friday I went to the apple store with Jo, Will, and Anthony. A lot of cool stuff happened, it was fun. First off, I got my ipod back. They sent me this mean letter telling me that I am a newbie and I have to totally uncharge the battery to fix it. I can tell they opened up the ipod, because they side isnt bent apart anymore. Oh well, it works now, so not caring. Anyways, It was the grand opening of the plaza or something, so it was packed with people. Barely found a parking space. Walked around. Went to the apple store first, picked up a wireless G card (Airport Xtrem3!!1) for teh mac. Yay! wireless good. Student discounts are good for nothing. Dropped a $99 card to $89. Well, still no complaining about cheaper stuff. Looked around for a small bit, but then it was 7:30 and they kicked us out of the store so they could redecorate it for the Panther release. Ok, whatever. The apple building itself looked like a powerbook, the outside was aluminum, and it had a glowy apple, just like the back of my LCD. Then we went to Chipotle for dinner. It was my first time there, and OMG good! Installed wireless card in like, 5 seconds and was able to connect to the Apple Store's wifi from the restaurant. Then it was time for apple to open, so we went back and there was a line longer than any I've seen at 6 flags (well not really). Hmm, so we waited around and we find out that you can't use a student discount on software at the store, only online. Bah! so we left and went to the nearby mall, which was supposed to have a Compusa. Couldn't find it and ended up in a Bose store, they had some cool stuff, but nothing any of us could afford. Except Xbox's. They were liquidating Xbox's at $99 apeice. I wanted one, but low on the reserve cash, so I had to pass it up. Well, we foolishly decide to go back to the apple store. There's still a line! Wow, so I fired up iChat (which I have figured out how to use, and it doesn't suck much anymore) and started messaging the people inside, with the cool Rendezvous feature it has(it finds people running ichat on the lan and shows them on a buddy list). So I was standing next to one of the cops as I did this and he thought it was so amazing, I showed him all the cool stuff I could do, and probably delayed the line from any progress for about 15 minutes. It was cool :D Once we got inside we could play with all the macs again..Jo played with some tablets, mostly. Anthony's laptop was almost stolen, but he managed to grab it back, but dented it in the process, so he complained about that for a while. Will was looking at OS X 10.3, and I was looking at iPod accessories and powerbooks. I felt bad for all the people buying ibooks and emacs because those are so lame. By the way: all the G4 iBooks they had were really G3s. Yeah, I know you care. There was so much kickass stuff to do there, but mostly because it was so crowded, it was crazy! Will bought a $70 mouse....with one button....I would at least get multiple buttons for quake, but oh well. They gave us free apple dogtags as we left. It was sweet. Apple may only have a small percentage of the market, but they do computers soo well.

Saturday was just more work at Six Flags. Got yelled at for being on the phone with Yash. Then got yelled at for turning the DC motor off when newbie forgot to put a seat harness down. Then Thriller's seat belts broke, then Thiller got stuck on the brakes, then it rained like hell and everyone left. Yeah, boring day. But 12 hours of boring day. I want to go back to the mac store..
Posted by eclipse on 10/26 at 01:08 AM
In LifeTechApple • (0) CommentsPermalink

Thursday, October 30, 2003

Active Partition Recovery

It's a Tense situation, but the data transfer from the bad NTFS Partition to a healthy FAT32 Partition began about 13 hours ago. Estimated time to completion: about 10 hours or so. 61.9 GB must be transferred.. There were initial problems, such as the recovery floppy disk commited suicide about 5 minutes before the operation. Luckily, it was saved as a backup of the disk was made about 10 minutes prior to that. Also, the backup 100gb housing anime and the remaining backup files was almost formatted. Luckily, the operator double tripled checked, and unplugged the 100gb drive before the operation, as to prevent any similar occurance when the backup drive was corrupted. Once the partition is copied, it is unknown how the data will be presented, whether the files will be ready, or a giant image file. Further operations may be necessary.
Hope I have insurance...
Posted by eclipse on 10/30 at 10:54 AM
In TechPC • (0) CommentsPermalink

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

RE: (mike you whore update)

To All Residental Computer Consultants:

The past week, we have received a few DMCA (Digital Millennium CopyRight Act) Notifciations about our students sharing out movies and software via BitTorrent. After the university Legal Dept reviewing it, the student will receive a letter from University Legal Dept. In the meantime, they will lose privilege to use the network.

FUX! I just got done bragging to Will about how great KSU was for not blocking BitTorrent. Guess I'll have to find a client program to change the ports when i use it. I think there's one called "Nova Torrent" but I'm not going to look it up for you lazy people.
Posted by eclipse on 11/05 at 10:05 AM
In KSUWTF • (4) CommentsPermalink

Friday, November 07, 2003

Damn you Codex!

Had to take codex's website link off the main page due to explicit material. Actually I am just afraid that someone I actually know clicks on it and gets mad at me. It's still on the links page if you can't remember his url. Damn you codex! (Not work friendly).

Update: PR0N iS GoNE
Posted by eclipse on 11/07 at 12:16 AM
In Internet • (0) CommentsPermalink

Sunday, November 09, 2003

It just never ends

Read Full Entry (Friends Only)

Posted by eclipse on 11/09 at 01:13 PM
In LifeKSU • (0) CommentsPermalink

Monday, November 10, 2003

Not my turn…

Come on you lazy people, update your sites
Especially you codex, and no more pron

Anyways, Tuesday we have no class! Time for..umm.....homework probably.
hmm...I appear to have run out of things to say. If I were an ordinary blogger, this would be the area where I would put a quiz or random song quote...
but i'll just leave you hanging.

The "Why I went to school" Link of the week: Clicky Click

Read Full Entry

Posted by eclipse on 11/10 at 11:49 PM
In KSU • (1) CommentsPermalink

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

sudo pico /.cshrc

Look at me! I’m updating!  Lately, I have been putting myself through the demanding task of installing X on X.  If you don’t know what that is, tough shit.  Eh..I’ll explain it, there’s too many noobs out there.  Basically, It is installing a desktop manager (KDE or GNOME from linux) and running it at the same time as OS X.  Not only will this give me ability to run linux programs and OS X programs at the same time, but…it will be really really leet!  Well, I’ve installed fink like 400 times, and each time it has basically told me: Oh! you should have installed this before you spent 2 hours compiling kde.  INSTALL FAIL NEWBIE!  And then I have to completely uninstall everything because god knows what happens when something goes out of order in unix.  Hmm right now I’m watching Samuari Jack, which is awesome.  Oh, I put a screenshot in the more section.  I made the OS X terminal look really cool (at least i think its cool cause im a nerd).  Its named “NaVi” from Lain’s computer system is “Serial Expiraments Lain”, which I recommend to anyone who likes to get their head messed up from strange anime.  But its cool.  It also features Sailor Mercury, because she’s everywhere on my computer setups (including my desktop wallpaper).  So, the kde install seems to be going ok for now, but as always, it will probably tell me in..lets see how long the dl will take….3 hours and 21 minutes, what i forgot to do first and that now I need to uninstall everything again.  So THIS is why everyone likes linux so much!

Read Full Entry

Posted by eclipse on 11/19 at 09:30 PM
In AnimeTechApple • (1) CommentsPermalink

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Gobble Gobble

Just in time for thanksgiving! What's that you say? Well, its the holiday that everyone tries to push out of the way, for its bigger and more popular brother, Christmas. Not that Thanksgiving is so important anyways. I mean, all we are celebrating is how we tricked the native americans into thinking we were good people so we could kill them all off later. Yay! Go us! But hey, we NEED this holiday, or else we would spend too much money christmas shopping. What comes after thanksgiving? Glad you asked! It's the biggest shopping day of the year. Without Thanksgiving, we would have to start christmas shopping after Halloween, and then we would all spend all of our money to quickly, get evicted, and spend christmas under a giant pine tree in adell durbin park in the freezing snow. Yeah, we're just that dedicated.

All in all, I like thanksgiving though. It's a nice break in school. OR IS IT? heh, well Thanksgiving is just an excuse for all the teachers at KSU to assign huge group projects due as soon as you get back. For instance, on Tuesday I have to give a 20 minute presentation of how the CD impacted society (yeah, isnt it terrible), and then Wednesday I have to give a 20 minute presentation on what the weather was like on November 15, 2003 at 20,000ft for my flight class. Maybe it's not that I hate thanksgiving, after all, but rather everything else that comes with the holidays.

By the way: if boo doesnt kick some ass, and if largo loses his battle in some "comedic" way, I'm done with megatokyo
Posted by eclipse on 11/26 at 10:36 AM
In KSURants • (2) CommentsPermalink

Sunday, November 30, 2003


Redid the website's file system so there's no more annoying /pmachinefree2.2.1/ folder everywhere. Now it looks all nice. I had to edit a lot of files really fast, so if you find any broken links, tell me. Also added a random picture viewer at the bottom of the left section. Not much to see..

Oh, and by the way, Aphelion, my personal webserver is once again online. Not sure what to do with it quite yet, so theres a placeholder index page there until i do.

EDIT: It seems mozilla and company refuses to co-operate, and will still try to go to the pmachinefree folder. No Idea why. Damn open source.

EDIT: I didn't touch anything but it seems to be working for me now. Does it work for everyone?
Posted by eclipse on 11/30 at 12:29 AM
In Internet • (0) CommentsPermalink

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Good Chaps

It's just common knowledge, and I've been there.

Jolly good, wot! Anyone for tennis? That'll be ten ponies, guv. You're the epitome of everything that is english. Yey smile Hoist that Union Jack!

How British are you?
this quiz was made by alanna

This quiz was retarded; it asks "who runs England" which is a dumb question in itself, but they don't even include Parliment as an answer. Nope, it's "Prime Minister". That's like saying Congress has no power over the President in America. Oh wait.

Posted by eclipse on 12/03 at 10:10 AM
In Life • (4) CommentsPermalink

Tuesday, December 09, 2003


Mr. Hydes 2004

Team Lead: Bob Dern

Assistant Team Lead: Mike Halliday

...and A bunch of other people who don't really matter

Breaking minor attractions at your local amusement park.
Posted by eclipse on 12/09 at 02:26 PM
In Life • (0) CommentsPermalink

Thursday, December 11, 2003

For the love of god, and all that is holy

The assumption that people are lacking information is untrue. There are books found at libraries that contain information. Is information is knowledge? Then why does the U.S. Army reject young recruits because they can not read the military manuals? Those recruits may have extensive information on other subjects like schooling, mass media, and so forth. But the recruits are found to be functionally illiterate because they can not translate information. Is knowledge power? Knowledge is one, but not the most important factor that leads to power. Saying knowledge is power, is saying every king and queen, president, and dictator had knowledge. Does increasing access to information enhances democracy and equalizes social powers? To enhance democracy there should be more town meetings were every person gets say something that has been liked or disliked. Giving people information is good but they need to have a say after the information has been distributed.

That's what they give me.

May god have mercy on your souls
Posted by eclipse on 12/11 at 09:29 PM
In KSU • (0) CommentsPermalink

Monday, December 15, 2003

God Dammit

That damn 200gb killed itself AGAIN. On the very same day I called microsoft to reactivate windows. Lost my episodes of Sailor Stars and maybe the mp3s, though most of those should be on the laptop and ipod. Very mad...

Before break is over I plan to have at least an interface, if not a purpose for Aphelion and maybe submit stuff to deviantart if the hard drive didn't eat it. Oh yeah, and my pilot's license too.

God damn its late..
Posted by eclipse on 12/15 at 02:07 AM
In TechPC • (1) CommentsPermalink

Friday, December 19, 2003

One step down

Did well enough on the practice exam today to get signed off to take the REAL Flight written test. After that it's only 3 hours of flight time, an oral exam, and a flight test and I'm a licensed pilot. Hope the weather next week is good cause thats when i gotta do it.

My old flight instructor (who i hated) is gone! yay!
Posted by eclipse on 12/19 at 03:36 PM
In Flying • (0) CommentsPermalink

Sunday, December 21, 2003

I love q3rally

but no one else does.

Click for 1280x1024
Posted by eclipse on 12/21 at 10:25 PM
In Gaming • (0) CommentsPermalink

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Its Stuponfucious!

If the phone is so smart to know I have to dial a "1" before "440", why doesn't it just add the one for me? Is it really so important to punish me and make me redial the whole damn number?

Here's some hentai for you all for christmas-

Thanks to bobomega for that pic..
Posted by eclipse on 12/24 at 03:13 PM
In WTFFunny • (3) CommentsPermalink

Friday, December 26, 2003

More Flying

1.3 hours down, 1.7 hours to go until I am certified to take the practical flight exam to become a REAL PILOT!! Pretty stressful time for me right now as I am studying like mad for my written test on the 29th, and planning pretend flights and trying to get about a billion frequencies, speeds, and other numbers memorized and straightened out. Hopefully, if all goes well I should be done with it all and be a licensed pilot by the end of next week. Sounds scary, huh? Then, if i have my license, I get to take a class I actually want to take! I almost didnt know KSU had those!

Right now, leaving a comment will give you an SMTP error. Ignore it though, the comments still go through.
Posted by eclipse on 12/26 at 07:58 PM
In Flying • (0) CommentsPermalink

Saturday, December 27, 2003

Boooring Day

Yeah, so today was boring as hell.  Got another 1.3 hours of flying done, which makes 2.7/3.0 hours needed to take the practical test.  Been studying for my written and oral tests, but you can see deviantart for more on that.  Yeah, I actually submitted something to deviantart.  I can’t draw, but I think its funny enough.  Yeah, so got an oil change today, and went to kohl’s for crying out loud.  Didn’t even talk to anyone on AIM for more than 2 lines.  But I talked to Bob twice.  He’s just as bored as I am but he;s in PA again.  I dont know why he goes there so often.  Flying with teh new instructor is intimidating.  Flying with the examiner is going to be even more so.  I can’t wait for next week to be over and for me to do well.  Feels like I never left school.  I guess a boring day makes for a boring post.

Posted by eclipse on 12/27 at 10:31 PM
In Flying • (0) CommentsPermalink
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