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Wednesday, September 08, 2004

That’s our KSU!

Okay, so I am sitting in the Bowman hall computer lab just tinkering with the server and in front of me is this guy searching through “meet somebody” websites.  It’s kinda funny cause he’s looking at forums with people writing “I AM LOOKING FOR AMERCAN WOMEN TO MARRY@!!!!”  and there are actually replies, but I can’t see those as well because its not written in caps.  Maybe he wants a green card, but he looks american enough to me..

Posted by eclipse on 09/08 at 11:15 AM
In KSUWTF • (0) CommentsPermalink

Wednesday, September 08, 2004


BobCortex: so they have a unix for gba's now
BobCortex: i dont think it does anything past the "i have unix on my gba, i own you" part
Eclipse278: heh
Eclipse278: i want to run my webserver on a gba
BobCortex: on a beowulf cluster of gamecubes would be better
Eclipse278: heh
Posted by eclipse on 09/08 at 11:52 AM
In FunnyTech • (1) CommentsPermalink

Wednesday, October 06, 2004


Not much to report. Been extremely busy lately.

meh..maybe more in a few months..
Posted by eclipse on 10/06 at 10:10 AM
In Funny • (0) CommentsPermalink

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

George W. Bush is a filthy liar

Posted by eclipse on 10/20 at 04:51 PM
In Life • (0) CommentsPermalink

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Kerry concedes vote to BUSH

and now you’ve done it

Immediately following Kerry's call to the white house, president had this to say:

"My fellow americans, justice has been won on this cold November day. Our resolve to punish our enemies has shown through God's beautiful sky and warmed my heart. The national democratic party has stuck terror into the hearts of our children, and I stand by the resolve I made 3 years ago. America has a new enemy. An enemy that goes by unseen. 48% of the nation's population is affected by it. We will find these democratic terrorists and bring them to justice with swiftness and inpunity. Our resolve makes it so. In preparation for this holy event, I, as your president, have called a presidential order to ban the selling, buying, or use, of the game Halo 2. Yes, much resolve. Thank you and may god have mercy on your souls. ha ha ha ha HA!"

This is a sad day for Americans
48% realize it right now
52% will realize it in the next 4 years
Posted by eclipse on 11/03 at 11:40 AM
In Life • (0) CommentsPermalink

Friday, November 05, 2004

Animation Show tonight!

Don’t be like Jo

ZedX: Well, I mean, it's 2 bucks.
ZedX: Why not?
KRHAiNOS: becuase it's two bucks and like $10 of gas
ZedX: $10 of gas?
ZedX: We're not driving 150 miles.
ZedX: Kent and back is like $1.50.
KRHAiNOS: i'll pass
ZedX: You're not even fucking driving.
ZedX: But whatever.
KRHAiNOS: i know i'm not driving
Posted by eclipse on 11/05 at 02:22 PM
In AnimeWTF • (0) CommentsPermalink

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Is that everything?

I figured it had been so long since I made an actual post here, that maybe you all deserved it. Maybe I should take the time to write down what I've been doing so that you can know. Because I know the crazy citizens of the internet are dying to know. Yesterday I went on my 3-hour flight for school. Supposed to go to Morgantown, WV; Erie, PA; and back. Yeah, I went there. But it took 4.5 hours in the air, and about 6 hours total. So I was late for work and stuff, but there's always like 2 computers to work on and 6 employees so it was okay. On the way back I got the most beautiful view of the sunset over Cleveland. A fiery red hot sun. Sailor's Delight and all that. Then it was freaking night. I didn't expect the flight to take so long so I didn't have a flashlight. So I was flying by radio navigation only, which worked okay. I flew past the airport and ended up exactly where I needed to be, but it was stressful.

I started reading the little story I wrote after the JeloH LAN, where we won the Unreal Tournament...Tournament, and it got me to think about how much I want to play it again. I want everyone to come back and practice again and maybe go to another tournament. If they are still playing that. But I just want to play. Maybe when Half-Life 2 comes out we can all get together and play that and some UT2k4 and maybe some doom3, and maybe some CoD, WolfET,Q3, and anything else except halo 2. Oh what the hell, we can play Halo 2...too.

Rick expressed interest in going somewhere far away for snowboarding. I guess I am into it, but we agreed that we'd all need some good practice in at brandywine before we invest the money. Brandywine is suitable for me, as I am not that good at it. But I really like to snowboard, and being with my friends is enough for me, so I am definately in.

School has been going great. The lowest grade I've gotten in Aircraft Systems 1 is 94%, and most of my other classes are the same. I'm running at near 100% in Hydraulics. I'm putting way more effort in this year, cause I have much more motivation :D

So life is good for me....Busy, but definately good. I love hanging out with friends, my wonderful girlfriend Alison, and not being stressed out a lot like last year. I like where I am going now...
Posted by eclipse on 11/10 at 12:17 PM
In FlyingLifeKSU • (4) CommentsPermalink

Friday, November 12, 2004

DDR Downgrade in Eastway.

When I’m not in class getting the finest of educations, or taking in the extensive fine literature written in the windows of the dormitories here at KSU, I can usually be found in the Eastway game room where, as long as there aren’t any furries around, I participate in the Revolution of the Two Dances.  I went in as usual, played Heavy Janejana(B), then Standard Speed over Beethoven(A) and then I looked at the screen and it said final song.  This angered me.  Only 3 songs at Eastway now?  I used to get 4 songs for my dollar.  If I can’t get 8 songs for less than a gallon of gas, I get angry.  Oh, and for your info, I failed my last song -  A on heavy mode.  I guess I called myself 7 foot heavy too early.

Posted by eclipse on 11/12 at 12:14 PM
In KSUGaming • (1) CommentsPermalink

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

True Story of the Combine

Eclipse278:i wish i could read wtf happened to earth while gordon was away, but they wont say
RombusRK: Heres a simple explination
RombusRK: Steam =======> + O earths asshole = current future situation
RombusRK: its all STEAMS FAULT
Eclipse278: YES
Eclipse278: THAT IS IT
Posted by eclipse on 11/17 at 12:36 PM
In FunnyGaming • (0) CommentsPermalink

Tuesday, November 23, 2004


Posted by eclipse on 11/23 at 08:50 AM
In WTFFunny • (1) CommentsPermalink

Wednesday, December 01, 2004


When I was young, I always loved multiple choice exams. Nowadays, they have this crazy system on mulitple choice tests where they say "Choose the most correct answer." They give you a question and there are actually more than one correct answer, but you have to pick the right one or you miss the whole thing. That is totally not fair. I've actually started to enjoy the essay tests more because if you can BS well, you're all set.

If I flip a coin 100 times and it lands on heads 51 times then I could say this:

1. A coin will land on heads
A. True
B. False

And the answer would be A

Far fetched, but possible raspberry
Posted by eclipse on 12/01 at 04:58 PM
In KSUWTF • (0) CommentsPermalink

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

DDR Upgrade in Eastway

Ok, I know when to admit when I’m wrong.  The DDR machine in Eastway has changed, but it is actually better now.  Before, you would get 4 songs for a dollar, but now you get 3 songs for 50 cents.  This works well because now you can play 3 double songs for one dollar, and if there are a lot of people in front of you to play it doesnt take as long.  I kept putting in a dollar and not noticing I still had another credit left in the machine.  I threw away DDR that was rightfully mine! Oh Shame!  I’m making up for it though, I even got an A on A, but I can’t do it consistantly and still fail sometimes.

Posted by eclipse on 12/07 at 09:37 AM
In KSUGaming • (1) CommentsPermalink

Tuesday, December 07, 2004


Posted by eclipse on 12/07 at 01:30 PM
In Funny • (1) CommentsPermalink

Thursday, December 23, 2004

The good fight never ends

You’ve got to pick your battles

Eclipse278: im gonna play some quake3
RombusRK: theres always gunbound

Auto response from Eclipse278: fighting the good fight

RombusRK: arggg
RombusRK: the good fight dosnet need to be faught all the time, the bad fight needs some attention too!
Posted by eclipse on 12/23 at 12:51 PM
In Funny • (0) CommentsPermalink

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

2004 in a nutshell

Went to Ohayocon with Yash
Uncle Dave dies in motorcycle accident
Begin Spring 2004 Semester in Allyn hall with Rick
Start playing DDR
Promoted to ATL of Hydes Area at Six Flags
Stop showing up to Physics class

Pass Private Pilot Practical Test and become a licensed pilot
Get Rehired to Six Flags

Wind smashes window of dorm room
Goto Arcadia CA during spring break to visit my Grandma
Begin House hunting for summer

Win awesome Unreal Tourney 2004 Tournament at Jeloh and get jack
Find house at 1442 Brimfield
Six Flags Worlds of Adventure sold to Cedar Fair becomes Geauga Lake again

Begin work at GL
Finish Finals - Spring 04 Semester over
Transferred to ATL of Thunderhawk
Meet Alison on my birthday
Eat Atomic Chicken Wing at Quaker Steak and Lube
Promoted to TL of Hydes Area

Asked Alison out
Worked at GL a LOT
Not much sleep
Saw Jo for the last time this year

Worked at GL a LOT
Not much sleep
Lots of Six Flags friends fired or quit
Get mad at supervisors - unreasonable demands

Quit Geauga Lake
Went to Oshkosh with my dad
Begin working at Resnet over summer
Went to New York with Rick and Will and not Jo
Don't go to Quakecon
Fall 04 semester begins at KSU
My Linux server is finished

Start flying again for Commercial Flight 1 course
Flight team compitition
Very busy with school

Very busy with school
Doom 3 comes out
Celebrate Halloween for like, the first time ever
Stop playing Doom 3 cause it's boring

Got very pissed at election
Got pissed at manic for being a dick about the election
Half Life 2 comes out - still waiting for Duke Forever
Otherwise stayed very busy with school

Finals - Fall 04 Semester finished
6 months with Alison - yay!
Alison's Birthday
Write this stupid post

All in all, I'd have to say that this was not a great year but it had its moments. There's still a few days left so let's see how it will play out...
Posted by eclipse on 12/28 at 08:51 PM
In Life • (2) CommentsPermalink

Friday, January 07, 2005

Happy Winter-een-mas!

So I want to have a LAN Party on the 11th, I'm contacting everyone when they are available, but I'm not usually online, so I may have to resort to calling.

Q3, HL2DM, UT2004,Wolf:ET, CoD, gunbound, DDR, etc....

Comment for more details...
Posted by eclipse on 01/07 at 08:24 PM
In GamingLAN Party • (0) CommentsPermalink

Monday, January 10, 2005

Winter-een-mas party

So I've been getting ready for the lan party tomorrow and virtually no one is saying they can come. How is it that I keep getting requests for lan parties and when I try to organize one everyone can't come. I'm calling people and leaving messages and here is what I have so far:

Jo - Yes
Tim Halliday - yes 3pm
Tim Conway - ?
Dan Hawkins - yes needs a ride
Bob - no in PA
Will - no Best Buy
Rick - yes after 5
Yash - no point in asking
Bob Omega - no in CT
Brian - yes after 11 - Pizza Hut
Schultz - no at OSU
Nate - who?
Posted by eclipse on 01/10 at 03:54 PM
In GamingLAN Party • (0) CommentsPermalink

Monday, January 10, 2005

I still hate steam

Steam lies
Posted by eclipse on 01/10 at 05:44 PM
In Gaming • (0) CommentsPermalink

Friday, February 11, 2005

Cedar Fair still sucks

but, unfortunately for you, you'll still be on the bottom...
Posted by eclipse on 02/11 at 11:18 AM
In Funny • (0) CommentsPermalink

Thursday, March 10, 2005


I just completely overhauled the Kent State Anime Club website.
You can see before:

I used Mambo to create the site, and I have to say I'm pleased with it. Those who helped me create this website know that I am an expert in pmachine, but when it comes to modules and components like xoops and drupal, I am a newbie. So I had to learn all this stuff from scratch, although I think I did a good job with the site. I don't like the main image at the top, but it was not my choice. The next logo will be designed with this site in mind, so it will look better later. I seriously doubt that I will redo this site with mambo because pmachine still does the job here.
Posted by eclipse on 03/10 at 06:16 PM
In InternetTech • (0) CommentsPermalink
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