Thu, 04 Jun 2009
where to start.
current game
fly games are burnout paradise and saints row 2.
both of these
amuse me more then they should.
Zero Punctuations review of saints
row is pretty spot on. it plays like a bad movie. i actually want to
play the missions in it. where as in gta i pretty much just drove around
and killed people from time to time.
and burnout well, i haven't
spent a ton of time on it yet, but car crashes = very yes.
warrior epic came and went. i was in the closed beta... for the whole
like 2 weeks it was going on. i have it installed on my work laptop
still. it was interesting but i don't like its free to play part. i
don't want to spend real monies on health potions but it is still a good
hack and slash game.
I had assassins creed for like a week.
i really wanted to like it. the killing parts were awesome. i could
even deal with most of the bullshit you had to do. but the 10 minutes
of horse riding between cities... and the bullshit before you can
actually assassinate someone killed it for me. i think i did 2 and was
like fuck this when i got the the area for the 3rd. shame really.
Untold legends, whatever it had after the title: i wanted to
like this also. and i did for awhile. 2 buttons and maybe a dodge here
and there. i think there was a block button... maybe. i started to
feel like the game was punishing me for only taking attack power...
shitty camera. oh god the camera at times. i think when i quit i
looked it up on gamefaqs and found out i was maybe half way and decided
it wasn't worth my time to finish.
dokapon journey. oh jesus
i also wanted to like this, really i did. and i might. i guess the ps2
and wii versions are a bit better/have more features. but i'm like 20
"weeks" into a story mode and one of the CPU characters is kicking so
much ass it isn't even funny. it ALWAYS rolls the exact amount to get to
where ever it wants to go. really annoying. i imagine playing this
with others would cause things to be thrown.
busy season, from a few weeks ago till septemberish. sigh. have
your conventions but dont break shit kthx.
Built a test
environment a week ago. been tinkering with it as we go. it had the
benefit of making the networking side of it run on less magic and more
real things.
new camera lens amuses me. having actual
control over things (or at least more then previous), and the lens is
sharper then my telephotos. or should be in theroy.
quite a wall of text, and i decided not to try to break eclipses website
with this. maybe next time.
Wed, 03 Jun 2009
Summer is Near
Tomorrow is the midterm for the Maps and
Map Reading class I’m taking this summer. I have no idea how
I’m going to do that, because up till now it’s been working
with groups on worksheet after worksheet and it is hard to imagine
sitting there completing a test by myself. I’m not even sure we
were supposed to be working together on the worksheets, it’s just
that the entire back row of the classroom is education majors, and one
history major, and we all sort of think the same way about these types
of assignments, which is to say, that we all think we should do it
Maps and Map Reading is a lot of math, but the professor is pretty
cool about it. When it comes to miles she only wants us to sort of
round up or down depending on where it falls on the mile marker on the
map key. This really helps when you are trying to do the area for a
building on a map, because instead of reaching for the ruler, which is
my first instinct, you can just put the dots on the edge of a piece of
paper and then line it up with the key and just sort of guess.
Tomorrow is also the last day of school for the kids and then they
are on to summer break. I think they are happy about that. The weather
has been pretty bad this week, but I’m sure it is going to warm up
soon and they are going to get a taste of summer weather. I still have
to get their grades and then it is on to a few months without having to
worry about waking them up in the morning.
Mon, 01 Jun 2009
Trip Report and WWDC Wishes
Overall, the trip was good. My iPhone got used a lot between
podcasts, mapping, and other just general net usage. It was great to
use the Maps app to be able to gage distance to fuel and food stops.
Trapster on the other hand probably won.t get used too much in the
future. It.s a great app if ALL your doing with it is looking for cops,
but I really wish it would have built in routing and searching. It.s
annoying to keep swapping apps.
I wish I had a job where I could take an extra week off at a whim, or
work remotely. Melissa had to stay down in AL an extra week due to her
mom.s cancer. I could not get the extra time off so I had to drive back
up north to work for 3 days then head back down to get her. I.m glad
she got the chance to stay extra with her mother.
I also came away from this trip wanting some sort of netbook. What I
really want is a tablet like device that fits in the gap between an
iPhone and a MacBook Pro laptop. Ideally, this would run a full version
of OSX, with a decent amount of power to do most basic email and web
browsing tasks. It.s becoming a chore to lug around my 15. MBP on
vacations when all it ends up getting used for is getting pictures off
my camera and web browsing work. This is rooted back in the days of my
TC1100 Tablet PC that I loved. I would love to see an Apple take on the
Tablet PC, preferably based on the TC1100. WWDC is a few days away, so
it might make a nice birthday present if Apple announced a Mac
Will they actually do a Mac Netbook? If they do, expect it to be a
device that stretches the definition of .netbook. in a good way. Do I
predict it for WWDC? I.m not holding my breath, but man would it be
Here is what I.m predicting for WWDC:
1. An iPhone 3.0. Expect improved speed, storage, and an improved
camera with video capabilities. Probably also a compass for better GPS
usage. Nothing mind blowing, just a feature bump. No new carriers, not
until iPhone 4 and another year.
2. A big focus on iPhone OS 3.0, I would expect to hear a few
secret features, and a release date.
3. A big focus on Snow Leopard (OSX 10.6). Either we are going to
get the features that make it a must update, or they will release it as
an upgrade to 10.5 for free. I think there is a 50/50 shot at this
since unless they give us some killer must buy features, most people
will stay with 10.5
4. A .One More thing.. ending to the keynote that ends with Steve
Jobs in some way.
We shall see, the Keynote is June 8th.
Fri, 22 May 2009
Reality sucks.
“Barack W. Bush”! [I promise I didn't come up with that.]
I think our president has finally hit a brick wall in his policies of
appeasement and perhaps he is finally learning (albeit not fast enough)
that simply being “present” in the U.S. Senate and being a
“community organizer” doesn’t equate to experience and
that running a campaign on rhetoric is quite different than running the
free world on policy and ethics. It is true that no person can know what
the presidency holds before sitting behind that desk, but I think our
president was woefully under prepared and even unrealistic about the
demands on the office… because in the end it is the office, not
the person, that is most important. Somewhere between writing the
executive order to close Gitmo and deciding that we can’t release
photos of alleged abuse or even admitting that there exists some people
so bad that we may not be able to give them trials; Somewhere in the
void between telling America that we’ll have unprecedented
transparency and passing a 1000+ page $850B bill on 12 hours notice;
Sometime from announcing that we’ll cut programs from the budget
to pay for health care reform to considering taxing those that get
health care from employers as income and proposing a $3.5T budget;
Somehow while going from saying “Yes we can” and “lets
look forward not back” to blaming the former presidency for a $1T
deficit and “broken” foreign policy all the while tripling
the deficit and privately continuing those policies (while publicly
proselytizing to foreign leaders); Somewhere among all of these
stupefying reversals and missteps… our president learned that
reality can never match his rhetoric. Lets hope that realization
reflects his future politics and that he doesn’t continue to spend
us into oblivion, weaken our stature, and destroy our competitive
ability around the world.
Sun, 17 May 2009
Wolfram|Alpha is pretty amazing stuff
Give it a
try, folks :
http://www.wolframalpha.comIt's NOT a search engine, it's a "computational knowledge
engine" by the same people who brought us Mathematica.
Thu, 14 May 2009
Sat, 02 May 2009
well hmmph i haven't played RoM since the last post.
decided to
give the 10 day trial of D&D online a shot. probably wont be going back
to that.
the good:
D&D classes.
it shows you a D20 as
you attack things (lawls)
has kinda sorta D&D multiclassing
the meh:
combat is weirdish.
travel is a pain
instances inside of instances. wtf!
i dont know if i'm
just not giving it much time be the last time i played tried a group and
we had sudden terrible lag. i also soloed the dungeon on the same
difficulty we were trying to do it on. i wanted to like it. but meh.
seems warhammer is getting some changes. that is just a lack of
motivation there.
signed up for the closed beta for warrior
epic. free to play hack and slash al'la diablo MMO. will have to see
if i get into that.
basically waiting for D3 and Trine.
assassins creed is on its way for ps3. hoping to finish up
untold legends soon or just get rid of it. i am starting to feel like
the game is just mad at me for taking nothing but attack power as
i have games in my queue that i dont even remember
putting in there.
fuck yeah swine-flu. my workplace is being
cautious about it. they put a ton of hand sanitizer things up around the
Probably going to break down and bust out my MCP
soonish. by just scheduling it and forcing myself to prepare for it
Wed, 05 Nov 2008
I'm not really big into the politics and what not,
This had me laughing my ass off!
Thu, 31 Jul 2008
My stripper name is jesus
I figured it was about time for that annual update I do on here because
let's face it holly, moses, and jo are the only people that really use
this site anymore. But incase anyone out there is still lurking...
I'm still living in Northfield at least for now, still working
at the warehouse coming up on 4 years in october, bought a new computer,
had surgery on my foot a couple times in the past month (hopefully it
will finally heal right), my hair is about down to my shoulders, and I
can't really think of anything else.
btw: Mike I'm gald
to see that pic still makes you so happy
btw2: I've been
getting weird anonymous texts from someone. Can anyone place the
The tempest marches on and on
seeking words of the
forgotten song
true loves lost requiem decides
and shelters
thoughts from the raging minds