Saturday, July 28, 2007

Japanese Pranks

oh my god I havent laughed so hard in a long time.

Posted by eclipse on 07/28/2007 at 02:19 PM
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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Save Runway

The maintenance people at the Ksu airport have taken it upon themselves to decide that the airport cat, Runway, is a “health hazard” and that he should be put to sleep (and of course I mean put to death) or at the very least taken by someone for adoption never to return.  Completely ignoring the fact that Runway has co-existed with humans without being a danger for 10 years, how can they just decide to up and do whatever they want with a cat that belongs to everybody?  I should also mention that these maintenance guys have been here for less than a year.  More like months.  It just pisses me off that they think they can just do whatever they want like this.  I have to make a stand.  I wrote a petition to put on the wall for people to sign to save Runway.  I hope everyone else thinks like I do and that they don’t think I am too much of a loser for doing it.  But in the end I don’t care.  You have to fight for what you believe in, even the little stuff.  And they have to listen to the students, right?  That’s where the money comes from.

Posted by eclipse on 07/19/2007 at 09:49 PM
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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Instrument Instructing

Yesterday had me pretty bummed at work after dealing with a pissy student at 7:30am and arguing for 2 hours with another.  Today the weather and visibilty were pretty low so my C3 student and I took the Cessna 172SP with the G1000 Glass Cockpit system up for some practice approaches.  Today totally made up for yesterday!  I just love flying in the clouds, the whole man over nature aspect.  We were flying to Alliance and broke out under the clouds right on top of the airport!!  It could not have been any more perfect of an approach!  I don’t have any pictures cause we were pretty busy up there.  I love those garmin systems.  The SP flights are my favorite.  Tonight I am supposed to fly in the Seminole to finish my time for my Multi-Engine-Instructor Rating.  I should be able to go, instrument or visual.  I want to get my multi engine time up and get out to Dallas as soon as possible.

Posted by eclipse on 07/18/2007 at 12:30 PM
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Thursday, July 05, 2007

My Powerbook for sale :(

I’ve been bad at sitting down and writing on this site.  But this is a tragic time… My 12” Powerbook, my first mac, is up for sale on ebay.

I told myself as I got my macbook pro that I could offset the price of it if I sold my powerbook.  After all, the macbook pro could do anything the powerbook could do and better right?  And then as I bought my 23” Cinema display I told myself again that it was a damn expensive screen, but it wasnt so bad if I just sold my powerbook.  And now I’m finally doing it.

I feel bad about selling it for some reason.  I always knew that someday I was going to have to do it.  I bought it way back on Oct 15, 03 when I lived in Allyn Hall with Rick.  I remember the day Rick came into work at Resnet talking about the new 3rd gen iPods.  I thought he was crazy talking about an apple product.  But he thought it was cool and I spent the rest of the day looking at the iPod on the apple site.  Finally I bought one on eBay.  I got it and hated using musicmatch jukebox to load mp3s on it.  Absolutely hated it.  But very soon after iTunes for windows came out and life was good.  It worked well.  Really well.  And I started thinking maybe apple wasn’t so bad anymore.  So I started playing with the iMac at Resnet.  I have always been a fan of ultra portable laptops, having a Winbook Fx, Dell Latitude LS400, and a Dell Latitude L400.  The only problems with them of course were no dvd-roms.  This is where apple had the big advantage.  Will had one and I loved playing with it at the animation show and other times.  So I ended up buying the little 12” powerbook.  It wasn’t top of the line even when I bought it, but it was pretty good.  I had basic knowledge of how to get around OS X and I could even install apps, but it was a pretty big dive into the unknown.  I love to play with things and the powerbook gave me a hell of a lot of unknown features to explore.  I love the BSD core and installing fink and even got KDE to run at the same time as OS X.  (X on X).  It was small and I took it everywhere.  Absolutely everywhere.

I guess the reason I hesitate to sell it is because it reminds me so much of my sophomore year and the rest of college.  It is very much an icon of my college life which I now have to let go.  It’s the same feeling I got when I watched the flight team compete without me.  And it’s the same feeling I get every day now that I hardly see anyone anymore.  I suppose it’s time to move on.

I’ll be moving to Dallas before December and don’t get me wrong, nothing makes me happier than moving back in with Alison and starting my airline career, but it’s always sad to leave a very comfortable and enjoyable part of your life.  My 12” Powerbook is very symbolic of that time.

As I get ready to move to Dallas I will be selling and giving away a lot of stuff.  Stay tuned.

oh, and

300th Post!

Posted by eclipse on 07/05/2007 at 03:29 PM
TechApple • (1) CommentLink to this entry

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Best Quote Ever

Government officials… two of them… they’re having the penis hotpot

Posted by eclipse on 06/28/2007 at 06:29 AM
WTF • (2) CommentsLink to this entry
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