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  The thousand dollar day

Yesterday was possibly one of the worst days of my life. It started out with me being informed that I have to pay $670 to cover the xrays and stuff when I broke my elbow in mid august. I hate insurance companies. They charge people like me so much money to insure because I'm such a "high risk" being male and all. They don't know me. I haven't even gotten one speeding ticket and it costs me over a thousand dollars a year just to drive a decent car. Then, when you actually need insurance, BAM! They don't cover anything. Why, why is it legally required? I hate you, world. Then I got another email saying that an ebay auction I had bid on was cancelled. "You, the buyer are not legally required to send payment." Yeah, too late for that. Now the guy is going to steal my money. It was just for some cold cathode lights, but it doesn't mean that justifies it. A few hours after that, I tried to turn on my iPod to listen to some music, and it won't turn on. FUCK! WTF IS WRONG WITH TODAY. What did I do to piss off god lately? Was it going to work and being nice to people all day? That must have been it. So the iPod turned on when I plugged it into the computer, and I was able to save the anime I saved on it, but it wouldn't come out of "unlock mode" so the buttons were useless. So I tried to restore it and it just died. Well, Apple is letting me send it in for a free replacement or repair, so it's not that terrible, but I will be iPodless for a while. This saddens me. Then went to dad's place for dinner and sold him my laptop, so I am laptopless as well. Not sure if I am going to buy a powerbook or not, but all the other laptops I have looked at have not impressed me, so I might. Oh, and I have to renew my flying insurance, so there's another $250 down the drain. You all wondered why I was saving so much money. I fucking hate insurance.

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Tue Oct 07, 2003
[5] comments | Category: General

  Status Update

Lately, it seems that I have been going through a creative-withdrawl. I cannot find the strength to sit down and write entries on my site. I've said it before, but I will say it again.. I'm worn out. I haven't had a day off in months. Luckily, JeloH is being held on the 18th of October. I am going to take that whole weekend off as a time to finally kick back and enjoy some quality stress-free time at the LAN. I also want to take the 19th off, and have some sort of minilan maybe. I demand comments about who's interested. Maybe another idea? Don't make me bored. Hmm...what else? Let's move onto current events:

School: Getting good grades on tests, but I just don't have the willpower to do homework these days. I skipped 2 out of 3 classes today because I didn't have any homework done. It just piles up and I have to do it later, but for a few hours I am free again.

Fun: Hmm...Maybe I am getting a 12" Apple Powerbook soon, can't decide. On the one hand, they are hella cool, but I don't want to use Mac OS X really. I want to be able to use Direct X. And it's really expensive. I am completely torn apart on this idea.

Anime Society: Working with Office of Campus Life and Buisiness Administration to get us a new room to hold the meetings in. They demand to charge us $100 for the use of the projector. Yeah, right. Like we're going to break it or something. I don't think they realize that we have been using the Math Building's projector for years, and I work at Resnet, so we might be able to figure it out.

Website: Added the merkur.sytes.net header to the Archive and Comments pages. Also redid the search page form in merkur.sytes.net theme. Yeah, you like my dynamic website, don't you? That's what I thought. Anyways, these updates, small as they are, really bring the website together. One day I might even update the Feature pages. Maybe next semester.

Anime LAN: Wtf, no I'm not trying to run another LAN again. Too much stress, not enough time.

Other: I've started to watch Fruits Basket again, this will be my sixth time watching it start to finish. This is seriously the best show I've ever seen. Not without faults, of course, but it's not like anyone could have a good reason not to watch it. It's a real good mix between hilarious comedy and downright scary depressing drama. I'm going to buy the DVDs some soon, after i figure out the laptop thing. Then you'll see. You'll all see.

Wed Oct 01, 2003
[0] comments | Category: General

  Wearing out..

I didn't go to my physics class this morning. I tried to sleep in, which I haven't done in months. Missing the class today meant I missed turning in a large homework assignment, which I didn't even do. I couldn't sleep in though, because I woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep. I just laid in bed until it was too hot to stay. I might be too stressed out now. I'll admit it now. I've worked between 40 to 50 hours a week, even during school. I feel so tired all the time, but I can't go to sleep. I'm just in lingo and it's killing me inside, I can feel it now. I hate my classes. Every last one. Physics is every single day at 9:45 in the morning. When I'm in the class I understand everything, but when I try to do work on my own I get confused. Well, it's more like I don't know how to start. I try to make the problem more complicated than it is. Technical Writing is just a bullshit class. It tries to teach us how to write about technical aspects of things. I have to write papers about paper clips. It's all so very interesting. Macroeconomics is just boring. I have absolutely no interest in money. Sure, I enjoy making money and buying stuff, but I don't like money itself. Money corrupts people. It corrupted my family. That's all I will say on that. So I try to stay away from it as much as possible. I'd keep my money in a giant mattress if I could, but that's not the way the world works anymore. I don't work to make money, I don't even know why I work so hard anymore. Aviation Weather wouldn't be a bad class, but it's late at night, and everyone there seems so more advanced than me. My mom knows the directors of the program very well, so I've got a reputation to hold up, and it's destroying me. It wouldn't take me very long to get my license, but I hate that Commercail Aviation Company so much..they make me soo mad.

Working at Six Flags is getting old, and it's hard to do with school. Vinnie and Chris have now gone back to school, so it's going to be either me or Mike Shteyngarts in charge of the Thriller area. I honestly don't know who they will pick, but if it isn't me I'm going to turn in my two weeks immediately.

Working at Resnet is fun, like always. I think I am much better at it this year, I think I am better at talking to the users. I was too shy last year, intimidated maybe. They all seemed to know everything and I was sometimes too shy to ask for help. This year I've tried to be nice to all the new hires so they won't feel that way. I hope I'm not being overbearing, but that so rarely happens. We've had a very busy opening year. Completely different than last year, but maybe equally as busy. Whereas last year was filled with resnet software problems, this year all the problems seem to be viruses. I like the way Kent has dealt with them more than Akron. KSU actually calls the users when we disable their ports, and we try to help them over the phone. Akron just disables them and waits for the users to bitch about it. Our way is much longer and harder on us, but it is better for them, I think.

The only other free time I have is taken up by the KSU Anime club on Friday nights. We haven't done hardly any advertising and we are getting 60+ people each night. Samantha and Eric are doing a lot of work towards the club, and as secretary, I want to help them. I've been trying to subtlely tell them, but they haven't asked yet. I love going out to eat with everyone afterwards, a tradition started by Yash and me. It's become a regular part of the club, so I feel I have contributed. Everything will turn out ok.

I apologize for typos as it is very late, and I promise to update some more, as Jo has recently been posting way more than I have :D

Wed Sep 17, 2003
[0] comments | Category: General

  And so it begins

Now at the dorms again. This year its so much better. The room is a lot better, I can park on campus, Resnet is promising to be a lot of fun. I actually moved in yesterday, but as you all know, my website updates are spurratic, at best. I am done with my weekly schedules at Six Flags, but I will go back on the 30th and start working weekends there until they close or I get too pissed at them. I don't have too much to report, I think. Oh, I am going to get a 17" LCD monitor soon. That will be fun. I'll put up pictures of the room after it's finished, maybe. Thought I had more to say this time, but oh well. It's a free website.

Mon Aug 18, 2003
[3] comments | Category: General

  Do I need a title?

Tim, my brother got his drivers license yesterday, so we celebrated it with a game of car tag. He had gone to pick up schultz and Yash and I had to hunt him down and catch him before he got back home. This wasn't so hard for me, as I am a car ninja (see panel 1 of this mac hall comic). After picking up bob as well, we came back to my place and tested out some processor for schultz with an intensive match between Bob and Yash, with a victory by bob using pretty good technique. OMG! Bob not noob! Then out to dinner again, I think that was my third dinner that day, and also the second one at taco bell. I also got some work done on merkur.sytes.net/ipod but its still not ready yet. Oh, jo was planning on a minilan at his place on friday. Haven't had a minilan there in a long time, so i hope he's still up to it. I'll leave you with one peice of advice: Healthy Choice Ice Cream sandwiches are nasty as fuck.

Thu Aug 07, 2003
[2] comments | Category: General
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