May god have mercy on my soul.. 9am Update 11am: Passed with a 95%!!!1one Now my oral test will be very short and If I can fly well I can be a pilot by the end of the week. Then I can drop things on your houses. BE AFRAID (Note to FAA:Just kidding!) All my hours are done now and I'm scheduled to take the practical test at 9am on Friday. If I pass, I'll be lannin' it up at codex's house on the second and with steve lange(?) on the third. If I fail, well I will be hanging about 2 feet of the ground :( Practical Test rescheduled to Wed. Jan 7th at 9am due to bad weather.
Yeah, so today was boring as hell. Got another 1.3 hours of flying done, which makes 2.7/3.0 hours needed to take the practical test. Been studying for my written and oral tests, but you can see deviantart for more on that. Yeah, I actually submitted something to deviantart. I can't draw, but I think its funny enough. Yeah, so got an oil change today, and went to kohl's for crying out loud. Didn't even talk to anyone on AIM for more than 2 lines. But I talked to Bob twice. He's just as bored as I am but he;s in PA again. I dont know why he goes there so often. Flying with teh new instructor is intimidating. Flying with the examiner is going to be even more so. I can't wait for next week to be over and for me to do well. Feels like I never left school. I guess a boring day makes for a boring post.
1.3 hours down, 1.7 hours to go until I am certified to take the practical flight exam to become a REAL PILOT!! Pretty stressful time for me right now as I am studying like mad for my written test on the 29th, and planning pretend flights and trying to get about a billion frequencies, speeds, and other numbers memorized and straightened out. Hopefully, if all goes well I should be done with it all and be a licensed pilot by the end of next week. Sounds scary, huh?
Then, if i have my license, I get to take a class I actually want to take! I almost didnt know KSU had those! Right now, leaving a comment will give you an SMTP error. Ignore it though, the comments still go through.
Did well enough on the practice exam today to get signed off to take the REAL Flight written test. After that it's only 3 hours of flight time, an oral exam, and a flight test and I'm a licensed pilot. Hope the weather next week is good cause thats when i gotta do it. My old flight instructor (who i hated) is gone! yay!
So hmm..blog? bee log? I had this dream where I was in a Boeing 737 or something and we landed at a strange airport where the runway was also a highway. So when we turned around and immediately tried to take off, we had to dodge all these cars and couldn't make takeoff speed. So, we just kinda followed the highway for a while smashing cars and stuff and thats when yash woke me up at 11am. 11am! can you believe it that early.
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