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  American Airlines Internship awarded

These past few weeks have been pretty hard on me. I am still nowhere near the top of the mountain yet, but I can see a little bit of light at the end of the tunnel (through the mountain). A person's ego can be a pretty fragile thing sometimes, and I think I am very prone to this kind of situation. On Monday I got an email from Continental Express that said something along the lines of "At this time all of our internship positions have been filled." meaning that I didn't get the spot. I was pretty confident about it, and it came as a pretty big blow. I really cannot stand that thought of doing my best and failing. It goes against all that I stand for. I still cling to that old belief you heard a long time ago that you can do anything you put your mind to. So I was feeling pretty down. My ego, when damaged by aviation, takes a huge toll on my flying and my studies. So whenever something goes wrong that makes me feel like a shitty pilot, I become a shitty pilot until I feel better (which takes a long time because I am acting shitty and then feeling even more shitty).

Today American Airlines called me and asked me if I wanted the internship position I interviewed for. Heck yeah! I was so worried that it had been such a long time without hearing anything that I figured I didn't get AA as well! I am so ecstatic right now! I have to find a place in Dallas now, from May 17th to August 17th. Everything I've been doing really has paid off!

I still have my Review Board for KSU coming up which will be a horrible time, and my CFI crosscheck and checkride with the FAA. And after that is flight team week in Columbus. Once that stuff is over I will be able to relax, enjoy my internship, get hired by KSU as a flight instructor, only 6 credit hours in the fall and graduation.

If only I can survive until then!

Wed Apr 19, 2006
[0] comments | Category: AmericanAirlines

  New Seminole and my day

Today was a fun day. I was supposed to go to the airport at 10:30 to meet Prof. Weber and do my tryout for the IFR Simulator event for flight team. When I got there, I found out he and Mr. Palcho were supposed to take the brand new Piper Seminole, N31246 out for a spin to work on the flight training checklist. I said half-jokingly that he could make it up to me by letting me ride backseat. He brought it up to Tim and he said yes! Awesome! It was a pretty quick flight out to Port Meadville (About 60nm away, just north of Y-Town) and back. The new plane's pretty cool, with a nice dual Garmin 430 GPS system and the fact that the engines actually start on it. They also said that once my instructor gets checked out in it (tomorrow) I can take it to fly off the last 2.8 hours I had left over from my multi class! Totally can't wait, I'll probably take it out to Rochester NY or something.

When I got home I was playing around with google and looking up the flight team website with it. Somehow ended up on Wikipedia and found some vandalism on the Entries for Kent State and the Kent State Shootings. This kinda hurt deep down that someone would take a tragic event like that and smear "So-and-so is very gay" all over it. Did my civic duty and reverted it back to before their edits. Made me mad a little. Otherwise I'm at work now and about to go to the airport to torture AK-47 with a tough NDB approach, hold, and localizer approach at CCR airport in California. Then it's E6-B tryout time at 7:30pm-9 and finally get to go home and study for a test in Flight Instructor Theory at 7:30am tomorrow.

Mon Apr 10, 2006
[0] comments | Category: Flying

  CoEx Interview and run-on sentences

April 7th was a very busy day. Got up at 6am. Plan was to leave the house at 7, get to Hopkins Airport at 8 and the plane left at 9. Well it took a little longer to get ready than we thought and Alison's puppy decided to take a giant dump in the car, so we got leaving around 7:25. So we're hauling it up 77 and I-80 during rush hour hoping I don't smell like it for the rest of the day and make it to CLE around 8:10. No big deal, right? 50 min right?

Well the airport is busier than I've ever seen it so I go to the self-checkin and it says my boarding time is 8:25am! Shiot! Run to security which of course has a long line. God bless the TSA. So I'm running to the gate with my shoelaces still untied and I notice my ticket is gone! Totally dropped it in the hallway! Go running back the other way without tied shoes. Luckilly I found my ticket (no one was kind enough to pick it up and take it to some random food place, thinking they were helpful) and got to the gate right as they started boarding. Two other KSU students, Eric and Mark, were on the same flight. We said hellos and boarded the 737 to Houston.

We got there around 10:30am local time, with the interview starting at 2:00. We talked about interview stuff untill 2, managing to find our way to the Expressjet Simulator Building. This was different than the American interviews, they had everyone come into the same room were they answered some questions and talked about the different kinds of internships. They wanted to talk to the KSU students first, so they called us up one by one.

I was third and once again had a whopping 10-15min interview. I thought it was way too short! I didn't get to sell myself completely. Everyone else agreed too. There was nothing more to do at Expressjet so we went back to the airport (IAH). Got some food and talked about how short it was. Our plane left at 7:00pm local so we were there for like 3.5 hours. Plane got in CLE around 10:35pm our time. The approach was kinda cool. CLE weather was 2.5mi visibilty and clouds overcast at 600 feet. Broke out of the clouds right at the airport. The stuff pilots live for. All in all an exhausting day and I hope to hear good things from Expressjet in the next week or so.

Sun Apr 09, 2006
[1] comments | Category: Flying

  Bootcamp for Macintosh

Apple today released a program called "Bootcamp" (?) which allows you to install Windows XP SP2 onto your intel mac. There was already another way to do this, but Apple has now made the process much easier. On top of that, Bootcamp also installs windows drivers for the following devices:

- Intel Chip Set Software (6.2.1)
- ATI Graphics (
- Intel Integrated Graphics (
- Marvel Yukon Ethernet (
- SigmaTel Audio (1.0.4889.0 nd375 cp1)
- SigmaTel Audio proto_A2 (1.0.4889.0 nd375 cp1)
- Atheros 802.11 wireless (AirPort) (
- Broadcom Wireless (
- Apple Bluetooth module (
- Apple Keyboard Eject Key (
- Apple Keyboard Brightness (for computers with built-in displays) (
- Startup Disk Control Panel for Windows XP (

Holy crap! Apple themselves released a full set of drivers for windows including video card drivers and even the keyboard brightness! I actually called this a while ago and all I got was the "It'll never happen." What does this mean for Apple? Well now that Windows XP works fully on mac hardware, their computers become the only ones that can natively run OS X, WinXP, and linux. It's a geek dream come true, right? And let's not forget how awesome their computers are. If only the macbook pro had two mouse buttons! They should have anticipated this! The holy grail would be here! I'm still waiting for a smaller macbook pro because the current one, although thin, is still gigantic.

Wed Apr 05, 2006
[0] comments | Category: Apple

  Continental Express Interview

Got my interview with Continental Express scheduled for April 7th. Similar to American Airlines, they are flying me to Houston for the interview and maybe a tour. Should be a lot of fun and I'll be even more prepared after American Airlines. Will keep informed.

Fri Mar 31, 2006
[0] comments | Category: Flying
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