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  Trouble Ahead

Just got the inside word that Trancender's web drive has a possibility of failing. The Hard Drive is due for replacement, but there will be downtime, and a small possiblity of the site becoming broken. Any accident should be recoverable, but this is a warning. The database is stored on a different drive, so in a worst case scenerio I should still be able to rebuild it. We have the technology. This warning is also valid for all the other users on the server.

Fri Oct 03, 2003
[0] comments | Category: Internet

  HA! Owned

I knew it! Harbourt was my dorm hall last year and it sucked royally. Allyn Hall is infinately better.

Wed Oct 01, 2003
[0] comments | Category: KSU

  Status Update

Lately, it seems that I have been going through a creative-withdrawl. I cannot find the strength to sit down and write entries on my site. I've said it before, but I will say it again.. I'm worn out. I haven't had a day off in months. Luckily, JeloH is being held on the 18th of October. I am going to take that whole weekend off as a time to finally kick back and enjoy some quality stress-free time at the LAN. I also want to take the 19th off, and have some sort of minilan maybe. I demand comments about who's interested. Maybe another idea? Don't make me bored. Hmm...what else? Let's move onto current events:

School: Getting good grades on tests, but I just don't have the willpower to do homework these days. I skipped 2 out of 3 classes today because I didn't have any homework done. It just piles up and I have to do it later, but for a few hours I am free again.

Fun: Hmm...Maybe I am getting a 12" Apple Powerbook soon, can't decide. On the one hand, they are hella cool, but I don't want to use Mac OS X really. I want to be able to use Direct X. And it's really expensive. I am completely torn apart on this idea.

Anime Society: Working with Office of Campus Life and Buisiness Administration to get us a new room to hold the meetings in. They demand to charge us $100 for the use of the projector. Yeah, right. Like we're going to break it or something. I don't think they realize that we have been using the Math Building's projector for years, and I work at Resnet, so we might be able to figure it out.

Website: Added the merkur.sytes.net header to the Archive and Comments pages. Also redid the search page form in merkur.sytes.net theme. Yeah, you like my dynamic website, don't you? That's what I thought. Anyways, these updates, small as they are, really bring the website together. One day I might even update the Feature pages. Maybe next semester.

Anime LAN: Wtf, no I'm not trying to run another LAN again. Too much stress, not enough time.

Other: I've started to watch Fruits Basket again, this will be my sixth time watching it start to finish. This is seriously the best show I've ever seen. Not without faults, of course, but it's not like anyone could have a good reason not to watch it. It's a real good mix between hilarious comedy and downright scary depressing drama. I'm going to buy the DVDs some soon, after i figure out the laptop thing. Then you'll see. You'll all see.

Wed Oct 01, 2003
[0] comments | Category: General

  Avoiding the subject

Well I'm trying to put off working as long as possible, so I'm playing with the website again. All my fans must have noticed my long neglect of this site. I want to play with it more, but I am still pretty busy. This Saturday determines a lot of what is going to happen for the next few weeks, so I'll know around then. I want to find a good way to do anime reviews and integrate them with the current anime page without the anime page becoming too complicated. You'll see...

I installed a lot of my old games and some new ones, now that I have hdd space. I think this is all I have installed at the moment:

Quake III Arena
Unreal Tourney 2003
Flight Simulator 2004
Combat Flight Simulator 3
Crimson Skies
Battlefield 1942
Jedi Outcast
Jedi Academy Demo
Jedi Academy Beta
Halo Beta
Half - Life
Ghost Recon
MechWarrior 3
Need For Speed: Porsche 2000

awww yeah!

Thu Sep 18, 2003
[1] comments | Category: PC

  Halo Hell no

So the thing going around campus right now is the Halo beta from Microsoft. After playing this..game, I can say that I know why it is a good console game, but for PC it is the suck. My roommate and I were playing with some other people on campus and getting a lot of lag. Now I know it's still a beta, but netcode is a pretty big deal in a game which features it's multiplayer a lot. Netcode should be basically done in alpha stages, at least so it's smooth over LAN. We got our asses handed to us, but it was halo, so I don't feel ashamed. Plus, they had some dumb clan name in front of their names, so I am willing to bet they have played a lot of halo on xboxy. The movement in halo seems very consolish, still. Jumping is like you're on the moon or something. I bet it's part of the plot of halo (which I am unsure of) but the reason for it is so you can control your jump better on the gamepad. This feature just ends up slowing you down in PC, because you can point yourself easier. The weapons in the beta are also not up to par with PC games because they are still the exact same games in the console game. On PC it is just too simple to kill people because you can aim easier with a PC (Once you are used to the lag). On of the guns even shoots stuff that follows you, and then you die. And the rocket launcher is too overpowered, etc... People who know Halo in and out will own the multiplayer because they will find these guns and camp them. There is a lot of the classic "I shot him like fifty fucking times!", reminding me of the days of CS. The style of gameplay is different enough from other PC games to make it marketable, but I just don't find it appealing. Sorry to those Halo nuts, I'm still not going to play it with you. Maybe the final release will fix some things, but I can say right now that I will never pay money for this game. All in all, I think I will keep waiting for Half - Life 2.

Halo Beta's Grade = C-

Wed Sep 17, 2003
[0] comments | Category: PC
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