KSU Again
The day before the new semester, and all is well. Life is busy until ResNet settles down. It's kinda fun to walk around and see everyone struggling to move in and it's good to not have to deal with that this year. As much fun as living on campus is, it's still better to live in a place with your friends. I'm on campus almost all the time anyways. Life is good with my super awesome girlfriend Alison, whom I met at Geauga Lake over the summer. She lives on campus here at KSU so I'm happy she's around. Most of you have seen her and maybe even talked to her. Anyways, I can't wait for the DDR machine to open up again. Hopefully no one will use it when I'm around. Since I'm now a commuter, I can't just sit i'm my room, I'm going to need things to do, so I'll have to play DDR. Classes kinda suck, but I'll get through it. I need some A's to bring my GPA back up. Also going to join the flying club and hopefully the precision flight team.