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  Almost Done with Eagle Training

Haven't been to talkative on this site in the last few weeks. Training has been occupying most of my life for the last 3 weeks. I am happy to report that I passed simulator training with an excellent checkride. The training to get me to that point was very intense though. One of my instructors was ex-military and that style of training was different. Not necessarily bad, just very different from the civilian flight training I was so involved with prior. It was very standardized, a "At this point do this NOW" where as the civilian training was more laid back. Very different styles of training and I can't say that either is bad or the wrong way to do it. Anyways the sim checkride was on the 17th and I did awesome, and now I've been enjoying some time to relax from that. On Tuesday Alison and I got a day off together and went downtown in Dallas to the Sixth Floor Museum where JFK got shot. It was a very sad place, but I enjoyed spending the day with her.

I'm in Waco, TX now for training in the actual airplane. In about 2 hours I'm heading down to the airport to fly the real thing. It supposedly "flies the same, but feels different" So I think what they are trying to say is that the pitch and power settings will make the plane do the same altitude + airspeed combinations, but the actual feel of the airplane (ie. how much force it takes to pull back on the yoke) is different. I'm looking forward to flying it I guess, but moreso I just want the training to be over. Checkrides are stressful...bleah...

Here's another pic of my plane:

Posted by: Eclipse on Feb 21, 08 | 7:14 pm

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Posted by: dqedqd on Feb 01, 12 | 10:52 pm

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