Quakecon 07
Didn't really make any posts about Quakecon this year but I went. I find that every quakecon is pretty different for me. I think it's all about the company. In 05 it was out first year and everyone was really excited to do it. It was a huge year for qcon with about 3000 people in the BYOC. Quakecon 06 was the opposite. It was announced at the last minute and so none of my friends could go. Of course, I was already in Dallas so takiing the time to go was not hard at all. I talked to Schultz some but mostly I was lonely.
Now Quakecon 07 was a good year again. Being that it was announced in February, I really thought people would be able to go and it would be awesome, but only Will was awesome. We picked him up on the way and it was good to see him again. Also Alison is in Dallas now! So I get to see her again. It was hard only seeing her on weekends and it's even harder going months between visits now. So I split up my time seeing her and going to the con. So I spent less time at quakecon this year but enjoyed the whole trip a lot more. Alison thought that she was stealing my qcon time and was sad but that wasn't true. I know I could have spent more time at the anatole, but I wanted to see her too. I'm not sad that I spent my qcon time with alison, but maybe I am sad that I didn't have enough time go to quakecon and see her as much as I wanted to. Although, I don't ever really want to leave when I see her so maybe that's impossible.
Anyways, back to the con. It was more like 05 in terms of size but not quite as big. Quake 4 was the big game last year which I wasn't in to. So this year is Quakewars! I sure do love that Valley map. 3 days of playing the same damn map over and over again... So I ran around like a noob for a day before really getting into it. It seems exactly like Battlefield 2. Wolf:ET was great because there were a few classes but you could have a really good time with few players. Quakewars is different....there's a hell of a lot of different player options and about 1 billion different ways to kill each other. It's a lot more like Battlefield 2 - it you're not in a vehicle you're pretty much sniped or artillery'ed. And the strogg overpower the humans in every class, so you'll pretty much only have fun if you're strogg. I got to play some instagib and I didn't win this year! I'm slacking...
We went to Logans Roadhouse to finish off the trip and it was really good. Just like I remembered! I had a great time down there this year.
I'm glad that you had a good time here. :) I can't wait until you come back again!