Instrument Instructing
Yesterday had me pretty bummed at work after dealing with a pissy student at 7:30am and arguing for 2 hours with another. Today the weather and visibilty were pretty low so my C3 student and I took the Cessna 172SP with the G1000 Glass Cockpit system up for some practice approaches. Today totally made up for yesterday! I just love flying in the clouds, the whole man over nature aspect. We were flying to Alliance and broke out under the clouds right on top of the airport!! It could not have been any more perfect of an approach! I don't have any pictures cause we were pretty busy up there. I love those garmin systems. The SP flights are my favorite. Tonight I am supposed to fly in the Seminole to finish my time for my Multi-Engine-Instructor Rating. I should be able to go, instrument or visual. I want to get my multi engine time up and get out to Dallas as soon as possible.