Today involved deleting slides in powerpoint and scanning charts to put into powerpoints. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I was out of stuff to do in about an hour. Today’s highlights included setting a new background picture on my powerhouse of a computer. I noticed it was a Pentium ][ 333 and not a Pentium Uno like previously thought. Regardless of the fact that I have the slowest computer in the office (not by much) I am still blessed with a Stealth 32mb video card that allows me to run at 1600x1200 on my 21” monitor. So it’s not all bad. I used the blue default background of OS X 10.4 as my background in stark contrast to the American Airlines backgrounds everyone else has. Airplane backgrounds are cool and all, but most of theirs look like some crappy greeting card in which they used mspaint to put the airplane in the background. So my computer not only looks the sleekest (in my opinion), but probably runs the fastest. It’s Windows 98 so of course it freezes around noon every day with no explanation. I can live with my yash-age computer, and it’s actually fine for most of the work I do (Office 97), the only thing I don’t really like is that the internet works through a proxy (how old-fashioned) and I’m only allowed port 80, so no ftp’ing pictures to you guys and no streaming audio or ssh or anything. All I have for entertainment is web so I read wikipedia a lot. The highlight of today was the flight back to Cleveland, which was supposed to be my first jumpseat experience. Turns out the CRJ has one of the air conditioning packs MEL’d (broken) so apparently it’d be too hot in the cockpit. I was lucky enough to get a seat in the back where I’m actually writing this post. It is a given that whichever seat I choose the person in front of me has to lean back all the way so I have no room for my laptop. It’s pretty uncomfortable. Also, there is the screaming kid© that for absolutely no reason at all refuses to wear the seatbelt during taxi and takeoff. It’s a federal law that people on board wear the seltbelt during taxi, takeoff and landing, so I think a few days in a federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison is in order. I’m gonna go play some crappy KDE games until the flight is over.