For the love of god
and all that is holy!
Last Friday, I think it was, it rained so hard that the Merrie Oldies ride at 6 Flags was closed. During this time, I was asked the task of draining the large puddle/small lake with a bucket. What it boils down to is, I was asked to stand in a puddle for 4 hours. Well, thanks to that, my foot has become infected under my toenail and it fucking HURTS. Oh my god it hurts! I can barely limp around. It hurts probably worse than foot chile. Don't ever agree to move water using buckets. Thats good advice. So I'll probably be calling off work today, which I don't want to do because I'm one of the few on my crew that actually works, and they won't remember to put trashbags in the thiller.