Today is my first day of work at Six Flags as a ride operator. I have to go in at 9:30am and get assigned to an area. I hope to god that I get put in the same area as bob, cause otherwise this whole escalade was not worth it. Well, I had fun last time I worked there when it was Six Flags Ohio. As long as I'm not in the Mr. Hyde's Fall area I can live. I do need the money after all, for plane ticket and quakecon and computer and so on. Oh, I don't want to do the superman or any of the kid's rides either. I called the park today to get my schedule and they told me i had to wait until I got there to get it. Then they asked me if I could go in today. I was like 'wtf?' it was funny. I got out of it and played some hardcore RtCW:Enemy Territory. That game is so fun its not even funny. So good luck to me today, hope i don't get owned.
What's so bad about Mr Hyde's Fall?