Wow. So it's halfway through August. Time is sure flying by. If you didn't know, I quit Geauga Lake on account of me basically being a slave. Now I am working at ResNet during the summer! I love working here cause it's so relaxed and the fun, while tedious, is still fun. I get to listen to music and go out for lunch and be in a temperature-controlled environment, which is unheard of in GL. School is starting soon, and with it, a horrible schedule. Mostly me being busy, and I have a class that's 4 hours long on Thursday. Bah. Oh well. Looking forward to flying. I'm going to join the precision flying club and the general flight club. That should win some points with the dean and get me an internship later. (heh im so on top of things). So I just formatted the linux box, so I'm starting on aphelion new again. Hopefully this time it will let me install things. Yes, installing things is good. I want to redesign this website again. It's starting to bore me. Now it's too dark or something. We'll see.
Posted by:
Eclipse on Aug 16, 04 | 3:03 pm
so you are done trying to get everyone to get a job there? beacuse you finally relised it sucked.. way to go.
Posted by: bobomega on Aug 18, 04 | 1:11 am
GL started off well, and then went to hell, yes.
Posted by: Eclipse on Aug 18, 04 | 3:05 pm
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